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Q: Why did the Romans change the laws the the set down in the twelve tables?
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A major step toward democracy in Rome was the writing down of the laws on what was known as the?

Its the Twelve Tables.

What were Roman laws written on?

The Twelve Tablets (not tables) everyone says that it is tables but it is not. the correct version is tablets for that is what it was called in Rome.Roman Civil Law was written down on the Twelve Tables.

What were the Twelve Tables of the Roman republic?

The Twelve Tables that were created in the early days of the Roman Republic were born out of problems between common people in Rome called plebeians and the wealthy aristocrats.The plebeians were at the bottom of the Roman citizen classes. The wealthy Romans had economic leverage over the plebs and the plebs protested by refusing to work or staging sit down strikes.Aside from needing workers on the estates of the rich people, Rome needed the plebs to fill the ranks of the legions. The aristocrats were forced to make reforms to benefit the majority of the Roman people. Here are some examples of the reforms:1. The plebs were allowed to elect 10 special magistrates called Tribunes who were supposed to protect the people with their power to veto unfair legislation.2. The plebs demanded that the Roman laws be changed from unwritten ones to written ones that were published for all to see. This was achieved by the creation of the Twelve Tables which became the basis of written laws to prevent the aristocratic judges from interpreting the unwritten laws to favor the rich.The Twelve Tables were a victory for the common people of Rome.

Why did the Romans decide to write down their laws?

The Romans decided to have written and published set of laws because prior to that the decrees of the senate were kept secret. This meant that there was a lot of room for arbitrary actions and abuse of power. Having written and published laws meant that people would know what the rules were and could defend themselves or have themselves represented if they were not followed properly or there were attempts to abuse power. The laws were called the Law of the Twelve Tables because they were inscribed on twelve bronze tablets and displayed at the Roman forum, the civic centre of the city. Prior to their final compilation they were also debated publicly and amended following these debates. Therefore, these written laws also created a consensus about what the rules should be.

Roman civil law was written down on Tables?

Yes, but don't be confused by the word "tables" . Tables is an archaic word for columns or lists of things. (remember the old multiplication tables?) It is seldom used anymore except in science.

Related questions

What were the laws of Rome in 450 BC called?

twelve tables? Yes, the twelve tables were the first written laws of the early Romans. However afterwards more laws were added and they were named after the senator's clan who proposed them, such as the Lex Julia, Lex Vaconia, Lex Oppia, etc.

Which statements describe the Twelve Tables?

-The Twelve Tables spelled out the Roman code of laws. -The Twelve Tables were written down. -The Twelve Tables were displayed publicly. -The Twelve Tables protected all citizens, including the plebeians.

The laws of Rome were written down in 450 BC and called the?

Twelve tables.

The laws of Rome were written down in 450 BC and called?

twelve tables

A major step toward democracy in Rome was the writing down of the laws on what was known as the?

Its the Twelve Tables.

Why did the Romans display the laws of the twelve tables in a public place?

They were important so the people would know what they should do and should not do. Before they wrote them down, lots of Romans got in trouble for breaking the laws that they didn't know, so that was not fair.

Roman civil law was written down on?

The earliest written Roman civil law was written on twelve tablets.

The roman laws were written down on what document?

The Twelve Tables initially, but after that hundreds of laws were enacted by the Senate and the Assemblies.

What is the Twelve Tables significance?

The Twelve Tables not only provided laws for Rome, but they also protected plebeians from the abuse of the partricians. These were a major improvement in Rome, and a landmark in human history because for the first time rules were written down. This means that Patricians couldn't make up laws on the spot and pretend they had always existed, but there was a solid set of laws that all literate citizens could look at.

What was the singnificance of the twelve tables?

The Twelve Tables marked a significant step forward in Roman government. Before the Twelve Tablets, justice was dispensed and the laws were determined by custom. This left too much room for misinterpretation and injustice. Once the laws were written down on the Twelve Tablets, they were there for all to see clearly and for all to follow/obey clearly.The Twelve Tables marked a significant step forward in Roman government. Before the Twelve Tablets, justice was dispensed and the laws were determined by custom. This left too much room for misinterpretation and injustice. Once the laws were written down on the Twelve Tablets, they were there for all to see clearly and for all to follow/obey clearly.The Twelve Tables marked a significant step forward in Roman government. Before the Twelve Tablets, justice was dispensed and the laws were determined by custom. This left too much room for misinterpretation and injustice. Once the laws were written down on the Twelve Tablets, they were there for all to see clearly and for all to follow/obey clearly.The Twelve Tables marked a significant step forward in Roman government. Before the Twelve Tablets, justice was dispensed and the laws were determined by custom. This left too much room for misinterpretation and injustice. Once the laws were written down on the Twelve Tablets, they were there for all to see clearly and for all to follow/obey clearly.The Twelve Tables marked a significant step forward in Roman government. Before the Twelve Tablets, justice was dispensed and the laws were determined by custom. This left too much room for misinterpretation and injustice. Once the laws were written down on the Twelve Tablets, they were there for all to see clearly and for all to follow/obey clearly.The Twelve Tables marked a significant step forward in Roman government. Before the Twelve Tablets, justice was dispensed and the laws were determined by custom. This left too much room for misinterpretation and injustice. Once the laws were written down on the Twelve Tablets, they were there for all to see clearly and for all to follow/obey clearly.The Twelve Tables marked a significant step forward in Roman government. Before the Twelve Tablets, justice was dispensed and the laws were determined by custom. This left too much room for misinterpretation and injustice. Once the laws were written down on the Twelve Tablets, they were there for all to see clearly and for all to follow/obey clearly.The Twelve Tables marked a significant step forward in Roman government. Before the Twelve Tablets, justice was dispensed and the laws were determined by custom. This left too much room for misinterpretation and injustice. Once the laws were written down on the Twelve Tablets, they were there for all to see clearly and for all to follow/obey clearly.The Twelve Tables marked a significant step forward in Roman government. Before the Twelve Tablets, justice was dispensed and the laws were determined by custom. This left too much room for misinterpretation and injustice. Once the laws were written down on the Twelve Tablets, they were there for all to see clearly and for all to follow/obey clearly.

What was the audience for the twelve tables?

The plebs. Before the Twelve Tables were written, they had to rely on the patricians who had the law in their heads and the plebs had to go to a patrician and seek his help, thus becoming the patrician's client and having to support him politically and financially. With the law written down, they could read it themselves and only go to a patrician when they needed his political clout.

What were Roman laws written on?

The Twelve Tablets (not tables) everyone says that it is tables but it is not. the correct version is tablets for that is what it was called in Rome.Roman Civil Law was written down on the Twelve Tables.