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Q: Why did the New England Colonies prosper earlier than the Chesapeake settlements?
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Who were the first settlers in Pennsylvania and why?

European Quakers many from earlier New Jersey and Delaware settlements becaus of the explicit promise of religious refuge.

Did the battle for England take place in the bulge?

No, it took place about 4 years earlier in the skys over England.

Which religious movement in the colonies called for a return to the strong faith of earlier days?

Great Awakening

When did hibernia become Ireland?

Hibernia comes from the Greek Hierni, which is possibly derived from the Irish Éire. It is simply a Germanic compound based on the 'ire' found in these earlier names and the Germanic word 'land'. Most likely during the Germanic settlements of post-Roman Britain when there would have been contact between the Germanic invaders and Gaelic colonies in Britain.

Why is there no slavery in New England Colonies?

Actually there WAS slavery in the New England colonies - at least at first. Slavery became less useful in the New England states as it became more industrialized. Most slaves were used in unskilled labor - those who acquired significant skills found it much easier to escape slavery and set themselves up with income from their skilled labor elsewhere. Lack of demand for unskilled labor made it easier for abolitionists to get the majority to accept that slavery was reprehensible and abolish it in New England much earlier than in states with more agrarian economies and consequently more need for lots of cheap unskilled labor - which slavery provided.

Related questions

Why did the New England Colonies proper earlier than the Chesapeake settlements?

Because there was less way to get diseases in New England, and the natives helped them a lot more. Also the people in New England were less concentrated on helping England prosper.

Why were charters more successful at establishing settlements than England's earlier attempts at colonization?

they attracted merchants and noblemen who were eager to expand their wealth

How were the colonies established under England's King Charles II different from earlier American colonies?

HAHAHAHAHA im trying to find the answer to this XD stupid U.S. History 10..

What wasn't one of Grenville's motivations for passing the first round of laws affecting the colonies?

Revenge against New England merchants for their earlier protests

Did Bulgaria have colonies during World War 1?

i do not think so... the great powers from Western Europe had colonies (like France, England, Holland and so on).. i think a country must be a naval power and also to have a strong army to be able to have colonies, which Bulgaria was not. And the run for colonies started much earlier before Bulgaria was independent (1878) my opinion: Bulgaria did not have colonies

Who were the first immigrants to New Zealand?

The Maori were the first settlers in New Zealand, dated to the 1300s, and there may have been earlier visits. The earliest dated settlements are both in the South Island; Wairau Bar in Marlborough, and the mouth of the Shag river (Waihemo) in Otago. There may have been earlier settlements, but they remain to be found.

When does the Chesapeake Square mall close at Christmas?

The Chesapeake Square Mall is open from 10 am to 9 pm on most days, though it closes earlier and opens later on Sunday. The time does not change during Christmas.

Was the Roanoke settlement larger long lasting earlier larger or wealtheir compared to Plymouth and Jamestown?

The Roanoke settlement was smaller, short-lived, and ultimately unsuccessful compared to Plymouth and Jamestown. Plymouth and Jamestown were more established and enduring colonies that had more success in maintaining their settlements.

Who were the first settlers in Pennsylvania and why?

European Quakers many from earlier New Jersey and Delaware settlements becaus of the explicit promise of religious refuge.

In the early days of colonial North America which region was considered to have the poorest economy?

New England was considered to have the poorest economy is the earlier times of North America.

Was cricket national game of England earlier?

It has been from the start . That is England's national sport . England is the birthplace of cricket . It is refered to as home of cricket .

What do you think colonist in New England had of the dominion of New England?

When James II, king of England, established the Dominion of New England, he revoked the charter of Massachusetts and established a royal governor in its place. Though the Dominion of New England lasted only until 1688, it left a lasting impression on Massachusetts. While other colonies received their original charters after the dissolution of the Dominion, Massachusetts became a royal colony. The Crown dealt the last blow to the "Citty upon a Hill" idea by establishing religious toleration in Massachusetts. The leaders of the colony could no longer exile those that disagreed with their religious beliefs.