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the Aztecs were demolished by Hernan Cortes. a spainard. all of the survivors were taken captive and sacrificed to the sun god

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Q: Why did the Maya take longer to conquered than the Aztec?
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What was an important responsibility of warriors in Aztec culture?

to take prisoners from conquered lands

What route did Hernando cortez take?

he traveled from Spain to Mexico and conquered the Aztec Empire in Mexico in about 1520.

What did Cortez take?

Hernan Cortez conquered the Aztec area of central america and was one of the first coquestedors the went to the americas.

How did the Aztec strengthen their empire?

They assigned a governor to strictly rule conquered lands.

What did Cortes take away from the Mexican culture?

Everything. When Spanish conquistadores conquered Mexico in the 16th century, they destroyed everything that remained from the Aztec civilization: language, culture, religion and most of the traditions. They even killed the Aztec priests so that there couldn't be any uprisings on religious motives.

When did the Aztec's colonisataion take place?

The Aztec civilization originated around the 14th century in central Mexico. They built their capital city of Tenochtitlan on an island in Lake Texcoco, which later became present-day Mexico City. The Spanish conquered the Aztec Empire in the early 16th century, leading to the colonization of the region.

When did Cortes take control of the Aztecs?

The Herman Cortez conquered the Aztec in the year of 1519.

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How much gold did the spanish take from the Aztecs?

The Spanish conquered the Aztec Empire in the early 16th century and seized large quantities of gold. Estimates vary, but it is believed that they took several thousand pounds of gold.

How long did it take the Aztec to build a pyramid?

55 years apparently according to an Aztec legend.....................................

A timeline for Maya angelou?

sorry we cannot do a timeline of Maya angelou it will take to long

Did the Aztec take out people hearts?

yes .