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The Japanese did invade Thailand. But because of the large number of Japanese sympathizers in the Thai government and the strength of the Japanese military, the fighting was very short: despite fierce resistance by Thai border units, Thailand folded in a matter of hours. From that point forward, Thailand acted as an Axis power in World War II and her military fought alongside the IJA against the Allies in Burma.

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Q: Why did the Japanese bypass Thailand and conquer Malaysia and Singapore?
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Nominal British defenses extisted there. The real goal for even attacking Malaya was to get to Singapore. The british always though Singapore would be attackedd from the sea and they were prepared for such an attack. They thought to bring a subtantial army down through Malaya would be pretty much impossible. So the Japanese attacked from the morth where all the british fixed guns were pointing out to sea.

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Around somewhere between 1593-1863, until France came to power Cambodia in 1863.

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They were doing their part in their alliance in the war.

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