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The Gallipoli campaign was a joint British and French operation to capture the Ottoman capital, Istanbul, and secure a sea route to Russia.

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Q: Why did the Gallipolli War happen?
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Where did the Battle of Gallipolli take place?

I am pretty sure gallipolli is a place and the war was named after the place. So in The place Gallipolli the Gallipolli war took place. I think! Hope i helped.

What year did the gallipolli war end?

it ended in 1918

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At Gallipolli, no but they were successful in general. There side of the war did win.

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Who won the gallipoi war?

Gallipolli was an unsuccessful Australian attack in Turkey during WW1.

Where was the battle of gallipolli fought?

it was fought on the peninsula of turkey, gallipolli.

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The Gallipolli battlefield in Turkey near the Dardanelles Straits.

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Military training was needed for fighting in Gallipoli. The campaign was fought on land, by sea, and in the air. The result was a victory for Ottoman.

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1915, April 25, landed on the Gallipolli Peninsula.1916, Jan. 9, evacuated the Gallipolli Peninsula.

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