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Q: Why did the Founding Fathers compromise on using a federal system for the new government?
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The Founding Fathers for the federal government to have absolute authority in all areas?

did not intend

Why did the founding Fathers include search and seizure in the bill or rights?

The founding fathers thought search warrants were important because King George's men could enter a house and conduct a search at will and States didn't want the new Federal Government to be allowed to do it without approval of a judge.

Why did the Founding fathers choose a federal system of government when they established the USA?

Most people at that time considered the states to be precisely that, separate and soveriegn countries. The United States of America was just an alliance of these countries. It was obvious that if the states were goping to prosper and maintain their independence then they were going to have to work more closely together and that meant giving up some power, some aspects of soveriegnty, to a central government. But they did not want their separate countries to be completely absorbed into a new superstate, they wanted them to remain as independent as possible. Federalism was the logical compromise that allowed both of these seemingly incompatible goals to be achieved.Michael Montagne

Why were written guarantees of rights in colonial documents important to the development of Americans' ideas about government?

Written guarantees of rights in colonial documents were important to the development of Americans' ideas about government because the founding fathers wanted to have little government interference on the federal level.

Who was the head of government under Articles of Confederation?

What are some interesting facts about Alexander Hamilton. You know, he was one of the founding fathers What are some interesting facts about Alexander Hamilton. You know, he was one of the founding fathers

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The Founding Fathers for the federal government to have absolute authority in all areas?

did not intend

Why were the Founding Fathers so frightened of a strong federal government?

Because they did not want to repeat the mistakes of the British.

What are the 10 things the founding fathers built into the constitution that the federal government cannot do but states can?

read the constitutions & you will know

How did the founding fathers feel about giving the president the power to appoint federal judges?

The founding fathers feared an all-powerful national government (as England had been). So in creating the Constitution they felt a need to balance power between three branched of government, each with specific, exclusive duties and powers.

Why did the founding Fathers include search and seizure in the bill or rights?

The founding fathers thought search warrants were important because King George's men could enter a house and conduct a search at will and States didn't want the new Federal Government to be allowed to do it without approval of a judge.

What were two main problems that occurred after the American revolution that led the founding fathers to write the constitution?

the national government could not tax the states and or pass federal laws

How did the founders provide for separation of power in the federal government?

The founding fathers provided for a separation of powers by making three branches of govt. that could check and balance each other.

What is the major compromise that led to the formation of a bicameral legislature in the federal government?

The Great Compromise or the Connecticut Compromise.

Why did the Founding fathers choose a federal system of government when they established the USA?

Most people at that time considered the states to be precisely that, separate and soveriegn countries. The United States of America was just an alliance of these countries. It was obvious that if the states were goping to prosper and maintain their independence then they were going to have to work more closely together and that meant giving up some power, some aspects of soveriegnty, to a central government. But they did not want their separate countries to be completely absorbed into a new superstate, they wanted them to remain as independent as possible. Federalism was the logical compromise that allowed both of these seemingly incompatible goals to be achieved.Michael Montagne

What is a federal government system?

Federalism and the federal system define the basic structure of American government. There were many disagreements at the Constitutional Convention. Many delegates feared a national government that was too strong and many delegates feared that states' rights would merely continue the weak form of government under the Articles. The Constitution created a federal system of government (federalism) as a compromise. Under federalism, power is shared and divided between national and state governments. Both levels have their own agencies and officials and directly affect the people. The Founding Fathers really had no other choice except federalism. The weak union created under the Articles would not work yet people did not want to give all the power to a national government. Federalism was the middle ground--compromise--a way to distribute authority between the states and the national government

Why were written guarantees of rights in colonial documents important to the development of Americans' ideas about government?

Written guarantees of rights in colonial documents were important to the development of Americans' ideas about government because the founding fathers wanted to have little government interference on the federal level.

Why did the founding fathers agree to share powers with the states?

The states were in existence before the federal government, and in fact had to ratify the Constitution before it could take effect. Since the states were all essentially sovereign, independent nations, the Founding Fathers could not have done anything without their agreement. In order to get them to accept the Constitution, the state governments of course had to share power with a limited federal government; otherwise they would never have ratified the Constitution, and the United States would not exist.