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Q: Why did the English tax the colonists in the 1760's and 1770's?
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How did the colonists try to influence the English parliaments tax policies?

decide to boycott

Why did many colonists believe that the british parliament to tax them were against their rights?

The colonists believed that since they had no representatives in the English government, That the government had no right to tax them. their rallying cry was" no taxation without representation".

What did the stamp act place tax upon?

The stamp act placed an English tax on American colonists and forced them to pay tax on printed sheets of paper.

Why did many colonists believe that the British Parliament's attempts to tax them were against their right?

colonists believed that since the government had no representative they had no right to tax them. Their rallying cry was "NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION!!"

Did the colonists tax the british?


What taxes were imposed on the 13 colonies in the 1760s and the 1770s?

the big ones were the stamp act which made all of the people in the colonies pay a tax on letters to pay for the french-indian war which the colonies were not even a part of. The other one was when the british taxed tea. The tea taxes went up so much that the main supplyer of tea 4 the colonies had to make their own prices go way up. The colonies then started buying black market tea imported from the netherlands instead of the British East Indian tea company. Then they company drastically dropped their prices do to nobody buying the tea, but the colonists thought they were being minipulated and the british were rying to take away jobs from the colonists so they had the boston tea party.

What tax and trade did Parliament pass?

The right to tax the colonists.

What tax trade laws did Parliament pass?

The right to tax the colonists.

What tax and trade laws did parliament pass?

The right to tax the colonists.

Why was the stamp act of 1765 particularly upsetting to the colonists?

It was the first time Parliament had tried to tax colonists directly.

What upset Americans colonists most stamp act?

they were being taxed with out being warned first.

Was The first direct tax levied by England on the colonists was the stamp tax?

It is true that the Stamp Act was the first direct tax levied by England on the colonists. This happened in 1765.