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The Dutch colonized Indonesia for many reasons, however the main reason was for economical purposes. Indonesia was full of resources, such as coffee, sugar and spices. Spices in particular such as cloves and nutmeg were what brought in most of the money for the Dutch.

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New Amsterdam, as it was called back then, functioned as a trading post.

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9y ago

god, glory, gold

don't forget the high demand of fur. Fur trading

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Q: Why did the Dutch plant a colony in America?
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What was the origin of the New Netherlands colony?

It was a Dutch colony in North America.

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Is the Dutch colony part of the Pilgrims?

AnswerYes The dutch is another name for pilgrims. They came to America for religious freedom. Actually the Dutch Colony was not a part of the Pilgrims that colonized America. The Dutch established the colony of New Netherland - which is New York today.The Pilgrims were very strict with who lived in their colony and only allowed people who worshipped and believed as they did. There are several examples of individuals who were kicked out the the Pilgrim colony and they ended up living in New Netherland because the Dutch colony was very ethnically diverse, welcoming everyone.

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Paramaribo is the capital of Suriname - former Dutch Colony and only Dutch speaking country on the continent.

Where did the dutch establish a colony in north America as a result of Henry Hudson's voyages?

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Why were the dutch eager to setup a colony in America?

The Dutch like many European nations wanted to establish a colony in the new world. The primary reason that Holland wanted to expand was to expand their trade routes.

What is the smallest country of South America and of which country was it formerly a colony?

The smallest country in Soth America is Suriname. It was formerly a Dutch colony. It became independent from the Netherlands on November 25, 1975.

Which five countries did the Netherlands colonize?

Indonesia was an important Dutch colony in Southeast Asia. New York was an important colony in North America. South Africa was an important colony in Africa. Suriname and parts of Brazil were important colonies in South America.

Which colony in north America was a dutch colony?

Dutch settlement in the Americas started in 1613. From then on a number of villages, including New Amsterdam on the East Coast, which would become the future world metropolis of New York City, were established by Dutch immigrants

What did the dutch name their colony in north america?

Nieuw Amsterdam (nieuw=new) (now New York, Manhattan)

When the English oust the dutch from their colony what did they name it?

The Dutch colony of New Amsterdam became the English colony of New York.

Where did the French and dutch set up their first Americans colonies?

In North America,