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Q: Why did the British not have full support of the French in the Somme?
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because the were power full

Why was the battle of Quebec the turning point of the French and Indian war?

This was a loss of France and the French commander, marquis de Montcalm was wounded and died the next day, the fall of Quebec and the capture of Montreal the next year ended the fighting in North America

How do you spell full moon in french?

"Pleine lune" is "full moon" in French.

What support did the US give to the French during 1945-1954?

In the French effort to regain their Colony of French Indochina after WWII, the Truman administration provided gave arms and financial support to France. The Eisenhower Administration continued this policy and also gave them intelligence support and the full use of the CIA's Air America assets and military advisers to assist in training military forces.

How a full house in poker is called in French?

In French, a full house is called "un Full" (same pronunciation)

Do you need a working visa if you have a british passport and want to work in the UK?

if you have a current valid British passport you are recognised as a British citizen, therefore you do not need a visa to work in the UK. You can also get the full information from Visa Simple, that provides bespoke support to their clients and customers.

What does Somme en toutes lettres mean?

"Somme en toutes lettres" means to spell out a number in full instead of using numerals. For example, instead of writing "5," you would write "five."

Are french houses nice?

no they are full of French people

Who commanded the French forces during the 1782 assault on St Kitts?

The Marquis de Bouille commanded the 8,000 French Troops who bombarded the 1,000 British at Brimstone Hill for a full month until they were forced to surrender. The British garrison was allowed to march out as an undefeated force with their standards held high. One year later, after the Treaty of Versailles returned St Kitts to British control, the French force was afforded the same honor when they were forced to surrender.

How do you say 'FULL OF' in french?

"Full of" in French is translated as "plein de" or "rempli de."

What is the full form of hotel?

"Hotel" is the full form of the word. It is derived from the French hôtel, from Old French hostel.

What is the difference between a BNO Passport and a full British Passport?

A 'full' British passport is for British Citizens. A BNO passport is for British Nationals (Overseas) - typically people from Hong Kong who were not granted full British nationality before the 1997 handover to prevent a mass exodus of immigration from Hong Kong to the UK.