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Q: Why did the Black Codes repeatedly refer to freedmen free Negroes and mulattoes?
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Both his parents are mulattoes. He's mixed. But yes he identify himself as black.

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What were the girls of mixed black and white Ancestry called?

Mulatto or Mulattoes in plural form

What were black people in the south called?

they were called Negroes

What were Mullatoes?

Mulattoes were people of mixed race, typically European and African descent. The term was commonly used in the past to describe individuals with a biracial background.

The Freedmen's Bureau was Congress's response to the?

black codes

What is is freedmen?

A freedman was any freed black individual

The Freedmen's Bureau was Congress response to the?

black codes

What did colonists in America call black people?

Probably negroes, from the Spanish negro meaning black.

Who took black freedmen back to Africa?

Paul Cuffe :)

Leading black political organization during reconstruction?

The Freedmen's Bureau