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The articles were established on the basis of peace and did not allowe congress to create a national army

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Stanford Dibbert

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2y ago
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6y ago

During that period of time, the United States was a Confederation (as you could probably determine from the Article's title).

In present day, the United States is one country, a Federal Republic, with fifty state governments that have limited authority, with a presiding federal government.

Under the Articles of Confederation, the United States was made of thirteen (the thirteen original colonies, of course) state governments with unlimited authority, and a weak federal government.

The states had far more power than the federal government, and the states had many disagreements. Foreign threats? Domestic threats were problematic enough.

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11y ago

The articles were established on the basis of peace and did not allowe congress to create a national army

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13y ago

declaring it impossible to force states to provide soldiers

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Q: Why did the Articles of confederation make it hard for congress to protect its land or citizen against foreign threats?
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How do members of congress represent their constituents?

The citizen-voter residents of their Congressional DIstrict.

What are the positives and negatives of the articles of confederation?

AnswerPros: land ordance(the northwest ordance of 1787- territories of state were reorgainized) Peace with Britain Cabinet departments (war, treasury, and foreign affairs) full faith and credit(states would respect citizens and laws from other states)Cons: No power to generate revenue(tax) no power to regulate trade congress had no power Approval of 9 states to have a law passed Amendments to the Articles of Confederation required all 13 states approval(back then there was only 13) no executive branch no national court system AnswerCons- no central government= no military, each state was run by militia. There was also different currency in different states and different state constitutions with different laws

Why did some Americans feel that the articles of confederation were not sufficient for the new nation?

Because of the weakness of the Central Government. It meant that both enemy and fellow citizen could attack America at will. It was meant to be a Constitutional Republic. But we're so far from that, it's sad. And do most Americans know what a Republic is? No, they're still drugged into it's thinking it's a Democracy! The last thing the Fathers wanted was a ruling Majority unopposed and a Democracy is the cousin of Oligarchy, Fascism and the likes.

The president can check congress by what power?

This deals with the system of Checks & Balances. The President can "check the authority of Congress" by rejecting a unconstitutional law proposed by Congress. this process is called veto.The President checks Congress when he vetoes a bill that the Congress has passed. Congress can check him if a 2/3 majority votes to override his veto.Also, the President can check Congress by using the media (the "bully pulpit") to set the agenda for Congress. Presidents also tend to have success with Congress proportional to their approval rating with the public. Thus, if a president has a high approval rating, it is likely that Congress will be willing to help him accomplish his goals.

How the fourteenth amendment limits the power of state governments?

In the Case Afroyim v. Rusk, the Supreme Court decides that the 14th amendment prevents congress from striping a citizen of their citizenship.

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John hanson who was first black president in the picture in 1781?

John Hanson was elected president of the Continental Congress under the Articles of Confederation, in November 1781. He was not black, but was of white English origin like almost every other member of the congress. The rumor that he was black comes from confusion with another John Hanson who was black and was a prominent citizen in Liberia .

Do a person have to be a born citizen to run for congress?

No they do not have to be born a US Citizen. They can become a citizen through the naturalization process.

What problem did the lack of the navy create for the shipping industry under the Articles of Confederation?

With the lack of navy troops, citizen and trade ships were seen as easy prey for pirates, and sea-route trading with Britain and other areas was cut off.

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i saw your pleading, im not sure but i can try for u

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The US Congress makes the rules for becoming a US citizen. The House of Representatives and the Senate together decide who can be a citizen and how it is to be done.

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What are the positives and negatives of the articles of confederation?

AnswerPros: land ordance(the northwest ordance of 1787- territories of state were reorgainized) Peace with Britain Cabinet departments (war, treasury, and foreign affairs) full faith and credit(states would respect citizens and laws from other states)Cons: No power to generate revenue(tax) no power to regulate trade congress had no power Approval of 9 states to have a law passed Amendments to the Articles of Confederation required all 13 states approval(back then there was only 13) no executive branch no national court system AnswerCons- no central government= no military, each state was run by militia. There was also different currency in different states and different state constitutions with different laws

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How do members of congress represent their constituents?

The citizen-voter residents of their Congressional DIstrict.

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Amendments to the US Constitution cannot be introduce by a private citizen. Amendments can only be introduced by a member of Congress.