The Nile River provided transportation for the Egyptians and enabled them to interact with other civilizations along the Nile such as the kingdom of Kush. This transportation would become important to the Ancient Egyptians in the New Kingdom when the empire would spread along the Nile. For these reasons, the transportation provided by the Nile was another key asset for the formation of Egyptian society along the Nile River.
Egyptians used the nile for transport to build pyramids. They used boats called fellucas. They had to use the nile as their main transport system because they could not move 20,000 tones of brick by just pulling on the sand. This way also was time constuming.
In ancient Egypt there were several modes of transportation. One was using a boat or similar vessel to travel the Nile River and other waterways. Wagons and chariots were also used. In construction, very often granite blocks were transported on sleds with round logs underneath and gangs of workers would pull them to a construction site.
Fundamentally because of the water it provides. Basically Egypt could not have existed without the river Nile.
Because they had camels.
Boats are imortant because they transfer people and goods
Ancient Egyptians mummify important peoples bodies because they thought that the person will need their bodies for the afterlife. They thought without the body, that person's soul would have no where to go.
Cause they were known to be ancient animals that they used for there ivery and there heads to be worshiped
To bring turds to LIFE
To have water and six don't think about it
Egyptians are lucky to have the nile river because they need water to survive and for their animals.
The Egyptians need many tools to help create the civilication of the Nile
Fundamentally because of the water it provides. Basically Egypt could not have existed without the river Nile.
they collect the water from the Nile, then carry it back to their village. They would carry in it pots and huge jugs.
The Egyptians need to drink the water, they need them to travel and they need the water to grow crops.
How will Egyptians provide food or shelter without any money.
Because they had camels.
it gave them water. if the river was never in Egypt, it'll all be complete desert.
This question needs rewording. Need a noun to know what "it" is.
You need to rewrite this question. Had for what? A subject is needed to provide an answer.