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Being Noble & Just & Humane

& Simply Fair in your everyday affairs;

Requires an Undisclosed, Stupendous amount of Superior Moral Effort.

The Default Setting for most people;

When faced with an ambiguous,

or unseen, Ethical Quandary, is Benign Indifference.

Also: Proximity is Reality.

This means that things that happen physically close to you,

Are more real than things far away-

Or if the principle actors in an event that you hear about are 'Like You'-

Then their happiness or suffering results in a greater adulation, sympathy or empathy for them.

People whose suffering or injustice occurs far away,

or They are of a different race or culture than yourself,

or If Their plight is of a kind that you have never experienced-

They; And their Misery are simply 'Unimaginable' to you.

In a very real sense; Their reality & adversity,

Require from you; The same attention that you'd give to a nightmare.

When you first experience it; It is quite traumatic; But it is then quickly forgotten.

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Q: Why did the American people support the injustices perpetrated on Indian people by the government?
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