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Q: Why did some taejanos support the fight against the Mexican government?
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No. Due to an almost negligible support from the Mexican government, biofuel cannot compete against gasoline or diesel.

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There was substantial support for the War of 1812, and the population was equally divided on the Mexican American War.

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What famous US president did not support the Mexican War?

Abraham Lincoln spoke out against it when he was a Whig Congressman.

What did the federalists support big?

The Federalists were against the Constitution. They wanted their government to be a monarchy -- more like Englands government.

Why did the Mexican government welcome American traders into New Mexico?

The Mexican government was granting land in Texas to foreign "empresarios" for recruiting settlers and taking responsibility for them. The most famous of the empresarios was Stephen F. Austin, who got 300 families to immigrate to Texas from the United States and after whom the Texas state capital is named.

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Taxes go up to support the government

Are there any celebrities actively involved against Mexican Horse Slaughter?

I'm not sure. But just for the record, I love your question! If I were a celebrity, I would be, too. My favorite part of the question is how you said "Mexican" instead of just horse slaughter. I am against Mexican horse slaughter, but I support humane slaughter in the US. So I call myself a slaughter-supporter, because I support horse slaughter here in the US. Sorry if this didn't help. Thanks, Jaybrianna.

He stated that he did not want to pay taxes because he could not support certain policies of the U.S. government. These included?

Slavery and participation in the Mexican-American War.

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No. An oligarchy is completely against the Enlightenment philosophy.

Why did Thoreau chose to go to jail instead of paying his taxes?

Thoreau went to jail for refusing to pay taxes as a form of protest against the Mexican-American War and the institution of slavery. He believed that by going to jail, he was standing up for his principles and refusing to support a government that he believed was unjust.

Do you have to be working in the US to petition your Mexican husband?

No,but you must show you have enough income to support him should he become sick and unable to work.So he does not become a burden on the government.