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Q: Why did some of the maori were friends with the british before the battle of gate pa?
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What is Maori for beautiful friends?

"Ngā hoa ataahua" is Maori for "beautiful friends."

Where maori won battle of gate pa?

where maori won battle of gate pa

Where maori won battle of Gate Pa in 1860?

The Battle of Gate Pa took place in Tauranga, New Zealand in 1864 between British forces and Maori warriors. The Maori emerged victorious in this battle, despite being heavily outnumbered and outgunned. The battle marked a significant event in the New Zealand Wars.

Where did Maori win battle of Gate Pa in 1886?

where maori won battle of gate pa

Why didn't british and maori like each other?

The Maori land was taken over by the British that's upsetting

What did british people want from maori people?

British people wanted land, resources, and control over the Maori people in New Zealand. They aimed to establish British law and governance, convert Maori to Christianity, and integrate them into British society. This led to conflicts and disputes over land ownership and sovereignty between the British and the Maori.

Why didn't the British give the trade that the Maori wanted?

The British did not give the trade that the Maori wanted because they sought to maintain their own economic and strategic interests in New Zealand, which often conflicted with the desires of the Maori people. The British were focused on expanding their own trade networks and maintaining control over key resources in the region.

What is the history of maori wiriwiri?

The Maori wiriwiri is a traditional Maori dance that involves vigorous shaking or trembling movements. It is believed to have originated as a way to warm up the body before battle or other physical activities. The dance is also used to express power, energy, and vitality in Maori culture.

How have British people affected Maori sport?

The Maori people affected the British Sports not because the Maori played a game called Ki-O-Rahi which is like Rugby. When the British came they saw the Maori play it so they made a new sport similiar and called it rugby

Who won the battle of gate pa?

Maori won the battle of gate pa I believe.

Who were the Treaty of Waitangi partners?

The Maori and the British Crown.

Why do they have a Waitangi?

so the maori and british can make peace