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Q: Why did some of the Scottsboro boys try to blame the others for the?
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What were the final sentences for the scottsboro boys?

The final sentences for the Scottsboro Boys varied, with some being sentenced to death and others to long prison terms. Ultimately, the charges against the majority of the boys were overturned or pardoned due to lack of evidence and unfair trial proceedings.

Were the scottsboro boys ever pardoned of their conviction?

yes all were set free after a very long time, but still some were on parole.

Who are the Scottsboro boys?

The "Scottsboro Boys", as they were referred to, were nine young, black men who were falsely accused of raping two white women. After many years in court, they were eventually proven innocent.

What was unfair about the Scottsboro Trials?

The Scottsboro Trials were the court trials of several African American boys charged with sexual assault. There were many aspects of the trial that were considered unfair. The trials took place in 1931, which was not a time of racial equality. The African American boys had an all-white jury, as a result. There is some evidence that the boys were falsely accused, which led to death sentences for them. During that decade and beyond, many African American individuals were targeted. This is one example.

What are some scapegoat examples?

''scapegoat'' which means ''A person who is made to take the blame for the wrongs of others''

Do boys like breasts?

Sometimes some boys are in live with breasts others find them disgusting.

Why are people spiteful?

Some people are spiteful because they blame others for their troubles, others are bitter about past events in their lives, and some are just plain mean spirited.

Why do British boys like Asian girls?

It is a matter of personal preference and some boys do but others might not.

Why are boys so uptight?

Careful, that's a generalization. Some boys are more uptight than others. If the boys your hanging out with are uptight, move on to other boys.

What are some quotes about blame?

"When we blame, we give away our power." -Greg Anderson"When you blame others, you give up your power to change." - Dr. Robert Anthony"In passing, also, I would like to say that the first time Adam had a chance he laid the blame on a woman." -Lady Nancy Astor

How old were roman emperors?

Some were young (boys) others old men.

What does boys like most about girls?

All boys are differnet some look at your figure others your face there all different some your personnalty but all of them or different.