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Q: Why did some americans want Wilson to intervene in the Mexican Revolution?
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What were the consequences of US entanglement with Mexico in the wake of the Mexican Revolution?

The consequences of US entanglement with Mexico in during the Mexican Revolution was the loss of U.S. industry, political angst against Americans, and the first discussion on democracy or stability. US industry's were heavily invested in Mexican resources such as silver, coal, and especially petroleum. These industries were hurt hard as the mines and oil fields were confiscated by Revolutionary leaders in order to help fund the war effort. These US businessmen fought hard in congress to support the status quo of Mexico in order to recapture their capital. Furthermore, the United States was hard pressed to intervene as the Mexican leaders seemed to turn on each other as soon as won made it to office. This led to Wilson support of Huerta who was becoming a new Diaz in his own right. Mexican politics now always look for ways to not include the United States because they wish to be self reliant and not have anymore help from foreigners. While in the United States the effects of the Revolution have completely dissipated to the point that many Americans didn't even realize that Mexico had Revolution that involved heavy U.S. participation.

Why do most Americans hate Pancho Villa?

Pancho Villa was not originally hated by Americans when he originally began his guerrilla activities in support of the Mexican Revolution. In fact a few Americans actually rode with Villa. But in 1916 he and his forces crossed the border and raided the town of Colombus New Mexico, setting off a chain of events, largely fueled by the Hearst Newspapers, culminating in cry of outrage across the United States and leading Woodrow Wilson to order his capture. General Pershing led an incursion into Northern Mexico to capture Villa but was unsucessful. Villa himself was killed in the early 1920's by agents of the Mexican government.

What was Wilson's position on civil rights for African-Americans?

He refuse to extend civil rights to African Americans

Who leader in the Mexican revolution opposed Americans interests in Mexico?

The leader was Pancho Villa.

What was the effect of Victoriano Huerta's seizing power and imprisoning madero?

In fact such move was sponsored by American ambassador in Mexico, Henry Lane Wilson. He personally worked to increment the already-existing frictions between Mexico and the US. The government was a weak one and couldn't do much. The people however, reacted violently to this usurpation of power, triggering the second phase of the Mexican Revolution (1910-1921).

Related questions

Why did President Wilson intervene in the Mexican Revolution?

Mexico's constitutional liberty was in jeopardy.

Which leader of the Mexican Revolution was supported by Woodrow Wilson?

Wilson generally favored Venustiano Carranza in the Mexican civil wars.

What was the relationship between Mexico and Woodrow Wilson in the Mexican revolution?

Of enmity and general disapproval. See related questions below.

What were the consequences of US entanglement with Mexico in the wake of the Mexican Revolution?

The consequences of US entanglement with Mexico in during the Mexican Revolution was the loss of U.S. industry, political angst against Americans, and the first discussion on democracy or stability. US industry's were heavily invested in Mexican resources such as silver, coal, and especially petroleum. These industries were hurt hard as the mines and oil fields were confiscated by Revolutionary leaders in order to help fund the war effort. These US businessmen fought hard in congress to support the status quo of Mexico in order to recapture their capital. Furthermore, the United States was hard pressed to intervene as the Mexican leaders seemed to turn on each other as soon as won made it to office. This led to Wilson support of Huerta who was becoming a new Diaz in his own right. Mexican politics now always look for ways to not include the United States because they wish to be self reliant and not have anymore help from foreigners. While in the United States the effects of the Revolution have completely dissipated to the point that many Americans didn't even realize that Mexico had Revolution that involved heavy U.S. participation.

Woodrow Wilson's decision to invade Mexico in 1916 came after the murder of several Americans by?

Woodrow Wilson viewed the Mexicans as a nation who owed respect to the Americans. once a u.s naval ship was seized by the Mexican government it gave him a reason to invade Mexico. after invadibg Mexico the Mexicans issued an apology. Wilson still demanded more from them saying that an apology is not enough

How did president Wilson use russia revolution in march of 1917 to gain support for the war?

Germany's introduction of unrestricted submarine warfare, leading to the deaths of Americans, rallied the US populace to war. Wilson gained support for the war by saying Russia's revolution will lead to world peace. This was in his "War Message".

Who was the Mexican president during world war 1?

Woodrow Wilson.

Why does Wilson call the revolution of ideas the real revolution?

He calls the revolution of ideas the real revolution because its a revolution xD

How did Woodrow Wilson feel toward Mexico?

He didn't really understand what was going on in Mexico. He thought by invading Mexico he would actually help the people during the Mexican Revolution. However, when American troops landed in the port of Veracruz, both sides of the revolution saw this as another example of foreign interventionism in Mexico, and damaged the US-Mexican relations for decades.

Why does Wilson call the revolution of ideas the Real Revolition?

He calls the revolution of ideas the real revolution because its a revolution xD

Why do most Americans hate Pancho Villa?

Pancho Villa was not originally hated by Americans when he originally began his guerrilla activities in support of the Mexican Revolution. In fact a few Americans actually rode with Villa. But in 1916 he and his forces crossed the border and raided the town of Colombus New Mexico, setting off a chain of events, largely fueled by the Hearst Newspapers, culminating in cry of outrage across the United States and leading Woodrow Wilson to order his capture. General Pershing led an incursion into Northern Mexico to capture Villa but was unsucessful. Villa himself was killed in the early 1920's by agents of the Mexican government.

What did most Americans think about Woodrow Wilson's ideals?

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