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Few people settled in the great plains of the US due to the conditions of the earth and the weather. It was not good for growing crops, and would prevent people from being able to farm adequately.

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because they people thought that there was no food

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Q: Why did so many people move away from the great plains to other parts of the country?
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What are two other names for the great plains?

flat rolling hilly

Why did Apache nomads of the great plains flee to New Mexico where they raided Spanish settlement?

the Apaches were forced into New Mexico by other plains tribes.

Why did the Apache nomads of the great plains flee to New Mexico where they raided settlements?

the Apaches were forced into New Mexico by other plains tribes.

Why did Apache nomads of the great plains flee to Mexico where they raided spanish settlements?

the Apaches were forced into New Mexico by other plains tribes.

Why did the Sioux tribe settled at the great plains?

The Sioux tribe settled at the great plains because when they first lived around the Dakota's, some went out and where Nomadic Sioux Indian's. they traveled out to parts of Wyoming, Oklahoma, and other states in the grate plains.

Why did the Apaches nomads of the great plains flee to new New Mexico where they raided Spanish's settlements?

the Apaches were forced into New Mexico by other plains tribes.

What made the plains of Texas Colorado and other western states good for ranching?

They were huge areas of open grassland once occupied by the great American Plains Bison.

Why was wheat a suitable crop to grow on the great plains?

Wheat is able to withstand drought better than corn and some other crops!Wheat became as important to the great plains as cotton become to the South!

What did the great plains use as weapons?

They used stone clubs bow and arrows and tomahawks and other things

Why arent there many National Parks in the Great Plains?

It is generalizing but the Great Plains are by definition flat and plain and thus considered "boring" and not where great natural beauty or other is located. They thus do not have many National Parks. Montana and South Dakota do have National Parks though.

White pioneers on the great plains faced what problems?

other than the harsh landscape they had to deal with the Native Americans.

Are plains able to support more people than other land forms?
