

Why did slavery exist?

Updated: 8/23/2023
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14y ago

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Slavery existed because it was cheaper to run the plantation because they don't have to pay the slaves. The plantation owner didn't have to do all of the backbreaking work and all of the crops will come in quicker because he has lots of people do the work.

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14y ago
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17y ago

Slavery was invented mostly because people in the South owned large plantations and they needed people to work on them. They liked the idea of slaves because they didn't have to be payed and the owners could get all the profits. Do you mean slavery in the South -- if you mean slavery in general than free labor and a way to increase your population. It started in Greece a long time ago. It started long before the ancient Greek civilization. It goes back to pre-historic times.

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15y ago

In the New World, there was a need for slavery because the Europeans started huge sugar and tobacco plantations. They need a large amount of workers on these plantations.

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