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Q: Why did produce prices change so drastically after the war of 1812?
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The U.S. experienced an industrial boom after the War of 1812. However, it was mostly in the North. Northerners benefitted from tariffs at the expense of the South.

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10000 pounds in 1812 currency what would be today's british equivalent?

For 1812 multiply by 80 or slightly more to get a modern equivalent, but please note that some things were much cheaper in real terms in 1812, for example, property. (One could buy a very substantial house (8 bedrooms plus) for £3,000 in 1812). Tea and coffee, on the other hand were very expensive. Postage was extremely expensive in real terms. In 1812 Britain was at war, and food prices were rather high. These comparisons are often tricky.

What is the War of 1812 of 1812 where people fought in 1812 and more than 1812 men died?

It was fought in the year 1812.

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It is a factory that makes material. What does textile mills do? they produce textiles. Who created the textile mills? during the war of 1812.

What was the result of the Treaty of Ghent?

There was no official change in territory or policies.

Why is the war of 1812 called the war of 1812?

The War of 1812 began in 1812. It used to be referred to as the War of 1812-1814, but that name became too cumbersome and ultimately, through general usage, was shortened to the War of 1812.