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He wanted to protect the students from a mob

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To potect African American students

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Q: Why did presendent eisenhower have to send troops to little rock in 1957?
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When did Eisenhower sends troops to Little Rock?

September 1957.

In 1957 president eisenhower used federal troops in Little Rock Arkansas to?

integrate the public schools

Why did president eisenhower deploy federal troops to little rock Arkansas in 1957?

To enforce integration of the high school there

To which southern city did President Eisenhower send federal troops to enforce school integration in 1957?

Little Rock, Arkansas

Which president sent the troops to Little Rock to enforce court ordered school integration?

It was President Eisenhower who sent federal troops to Arkansas in order to make sure African-American students were able to go to school. Eisenhower was president from 1953 to 1961.

What was the result of Eisenhower sending troops to Lebanon in 1957?

The United States became less involved with Middle Eastern politics.

Who sent federal troops to Arkansas in 1957 to enforce the integration of Central?

President Dwight D. Eisenhower sent federal troops to Arkansas in 1957 to enforce the integration of Central High School. He did so in response to Governor Orval Faubus's refusal to comply with the Supreme Court's ruling in Brown v. Board of Education, which mandated the desegregation of public schools.

What was president eisenhowers response to southern defiance of the brown decision?

Eisenhower's most dramatic response occurred in 1957 when Governor Faubus of Arkansas called out the Arkansas national guard to block Negro students from attending Little Rock High School. Eisenhower sent in federal troops and took over the national guard from Arkansas. The federal troops made sure the black students were allowed to go to class.

When was Eisenhower's presidential term?

1953 to 1957 and 1957 to 1961

Who was the first US president to fly in a helicopter?

Dwight Eisenhower was the first to have a presidential heliocopter, starting in 1957.

What was Eisenhower's policy towards the middle east in 1957?

Eisenhower Doctrine

What were the two terms eisenhower served?

1953-1957 & 1957-1961