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Gillian Rutherford

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1y ago
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14y ago

People didnt want to be gladiators, they were forced to. People became gladiators either by being slaves, prisoners of war or captured citizens as such, or criminals. It probably would have been allowed for people to volunteer to become gladiators (and would have provided a more interesting spectacle for the audience) but it wouldn't have been likely due to the very high risk of bodily injury or death involved.

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7y ago

Gladiators were almost looked upon like rock stars in their time. They often took part in lavish celebrations and have women fawning over them if they had gotten popular enough.

Most gladiators did not have a choice in the matter and were slaves or criminals forced to fight in the coliseum. The few who did choose to be gladiators did so for fame and money just as MMA fighters do so today.

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12y ago

They would be a gladiator because they would be respected and had many benefits including money health and mainly money(respect too)

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Related questions

Why did people become gladiators?

people became Gladiators from either being slaves or volunteering.

What groups of people made up the gladiators?

Slaves were forced to become gladiators, and were released if they won enough

How and why did people discide to become Roman Gladiators?

i have not got a clue!

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The people who gave up their freedom to become gladiators were Roman citizens, not freedmen. It is thought that they might have been poor people who were after being housed and fed in the gladiatorial schools, the earnings (successful gladiators received prize money and donations from rich people) and fame (successful gladiators were revered).

Who became gladitors?

Most gladiators were slaves. There were a few free men who volunteered to become gladiators

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Of course they had friends. Gladiators were people and most people have a few friends. Gladiators were the celebrities of their time and many of them had followings, especially among the ladies.

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What was the role of gladiators in ancient rome?

Gladiators fought eachother, or animals for the entertainment of the Roman people.

Who did the gladiators fight?

The gladiators fought wild animals,criminals,and other fighters to entertain the people of the city.

How were the gladiators chosen and what kind of people became Gladiators?

They were defeated armies drafted as slaves to the Roman Empire.

How did a roman become a gladiator?

People became gladiators by either being a slave sold to a gladiatorial school, or by volunteering to undertake the training. Prisoners of war were sometimes also sold to gladiatorial schools, or sometimes they fought for the amusement of the soldiers on the frontiers, with the promise of freedom if they were victorious.

Did Roman soldiers become gladiators?

Only if they chose to be, but this would be very unusual, since most gladiators were slaves and only paid if they won a battle and didn't die.