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Q: Why did people not know about the harassment of the Jews?
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Why do you think that many people didn't notice he harassment of German Jews before the war?

Everyone noticed the harassment of German Jews before the war, the laws of discrimination were public, the boycotts of Jewish businesses were reported all over the world. People just did not care.

Facts about harassment of the Jews by Hitler?

Harassment to say the least. To the German and most of the European people, they were little more than mosquitoes. How do mosquitoes get treated by the general public? Like all-round pests to be exterminated. Jews really didn't have much to lean back on or rely on during Hitler's regime. Sadly less than 1% of the people opposed him and even much less than that helped Jews or other innocent people.

Why do you think that many people didnt notice the harassment of German Jews before the war?

because no one really payed attention to the Jews they were more concerned about the war and there own country to notice the harassment.

What was the only thing in the ghetto not in short supply?

People.See also:Why were many Jews so passive in WW2?Why didn't the Jews leave Europe before WW2?Why do you think many people didn't notice the harassment of German Jews before World War Two?

Why do you think that may people didn't notice the harassment of the German Jews before the war?

Either they were in denial and refused to acknowledge that it was happening, or they secretly condoned it.

Where could the Jews go to escape the harassment during the holocaust?

sneek into america

Who do Jews think they are?

They don't think, they know who they are. They are the Jews, God's Chosen People!

What did Russia Jews do in response to harassment and pogroms in Russia?

Many fled to Western Europe.

Why do you think that people didnt notice the harassment of the German Jews before war?

They sent a video or showed the videos to the Americans showing that they were playing sports and having fun.

Why do you think many people didnt notice the harassment of Germans Jews before the war?

They sent a video or showed the videos to the Americans showing that they were playing sports and having fun.

What did Hitler accomplish that people know about?

Killing Jews

Why do you think that many people didnt notice the harassment of German Jews?

People did notice the segregation and marginalising of the Jews. But much of the harsher treatment of the Jews was kept hidden from the general public. Those who lived near the railway lines or near the camps certainly did notice the treatment, but again, did not know the level or the extremes of the treatment. Also people wanted to remain oblivious; there were enough bad things happening in the war, everyone was suffering, people themselves could be at risk if the asked too many questions, it was safer to ignore what was going on and rationalise it away.