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People flocked to California because they were seeking gold and riches, and gold had been discovered there.

The Mormons changed the landscape of the west by moving there and establishing cities and towns in areas that were previously uninhabited.

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Q: Why did people flock to California and how did the Mormons change the landscape of the West?
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Did the Mexican American War change?

It changed maps. it changed people. It changed the political landscape of the world.

How did the arrival of the Mormons affect the paiute people?

The Paiutes were mostly Coastal, and didn't have a lot of interaction with the Mormons. The Oregon Trail pioneers and the California gold rush travellers were influential in their impact on the Paiutes. Their greatest impact seems to have been the introduction of disease, which decimated the tribes.

What are the similarities between California gold rush Mormons move to Utah pioneers going to Oregon?

The California Gold Rush, Mormon Pioneers, and Oregon Trail were three major movements in the Westward Expansion. They all involved large groups of people traveling to the west in search of a better life.

Who are the people that traveled westward on the Oregon trail to escape persecution in the east?

mormons I believe..

Why did Gov Ford not protect the Mormons in Illinois after he promised to protect them from the mob attacks?

There are several reasons why Gov Ford didn't protect the Mormons. One he was concerned about retaining his position as Governor and being reelected. the people that opposed the Mormons were politically powerful and had great influence with the Governor. They told the Governor that the Mormons were causing the problems and that the rest of the population were only protecting themselves. They made the Governor believe that the Mormons were threatening the safety of the rest of the population. So he issued the extermination order. The Mormons either had to leave the State of Missouri or be exterminated.

Related questions

Did the Mexican American War change?

It changed maps. it changed people. It changed the political landscape of the world.

Did Mormons kill people from Arkansas?

Uhm...dude, where did you ever get that idea?!?! The Mormons would never kill...people shouldn't spread crap like that :( Everybody was against Mormons

What are Mormons remembered for?

Many people remember Mormons for the pioneer trek in the mid-1800's. This has caused some misconceptions of people thinking that Mormons are similar to the Amish, but modern Mormons do not dress like pioneers or travel in horse-drawn wagons.

How did the arrival of the Mormons affect the paiute people?

The Paiutes were mostly Coastal, and didn't have a lot of interaction with the Mormons. The Oregon Trail pioneers and the California gold rush travellers were influential in their impact on the Paiutes. Their greatest impact seems to have been the introduction of disease, which decimated the tribes.

What is radical Mormonism?

Radical Mormons are people who are Mormons or share similar beliefs with Mormons, but don't fit in with the mainstream Mormon culture. They are either more liberal or more conservative than most Mormons.

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by teaching California indians how to cultivate the land

When people settle an area how do they change the culture and landscape to reflect their beliefs customs and architecture?

By changing homes, workships, barns and churches

When people settle an area how do they change the culture and landscape to reflect their beliefes customs and architecture?

By changing homes, workships, barns and churches

What are people called if they don't like Mormons?

If they don't like Mormons, you would probably call them "bigots". If they don't like the teachings of the Mormon religion, you would call them 'Anti-Mormons'.

How did the gold rush change California?

it changed California because of the population

Did the Mormons bring all the trouble they had on themselves?

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) who were persecuted historically were simply following and practicing their religion. People thought they Mormons strange and didn't want Mormon neighbors, so they'd run them out of town. Mormons only brought it on themselves by being unwilling to compromise their beliefs and principles. They weren't willing to change just to satisfy other people.

What do you call the jewish people?

The Jewish people used to be called Israel, until the political state was established. You can call them the chosen people, or simply 'Jews', in the same way that you would call Mormons 'Mormons'.