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Q: Why did people collect used medal products during the war?
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Can a sent off player go up and collect his medal with team mates?

Yes, a sent off player can come back and collect his medal during the medal ceremony. It actually depends on the Administrators the match concerned. Example: In 1985, Kevin Moran of Manchester United became the first player to be sent off in an FA Cup Final. However, whilst he was not allowed to collect his medal on teh day (because of his read card) post match investigation looked at TV footage and found that his tackle that led to his red card was just legal under Football laws. He was then given his medal

What do you do after you destroy the head rabbot's space ship?

you go up and collect your medal

What is a sentence for the word medal?

My new medal glimmered in the sun. During the war, he won a medal for bravery.

How many veterans received the Medal of Honor during Desert Storm?

There were no awards of the Medal of Honor during Grenada, Panama, Lebanon, or Desert Storm.

Did thirteen people of Hispanic heritage win the Congressional Medal of Honor for service during the time of the Vietnam War?

true they did

Did the Congress approve the Nobel Prize to Roosevelt?

No, but he did not collect the medal nor certificate until after his term in office was over.

What war was Medal of Honor created?

The Medal of Honor was first given out during the Civil War. Lincoln was the one to award the first medal.

Can you get a platinum medal on Kinect adventures?

Yes you have to do a 99% preformance like pop all the bubbles or collect all the coins

When was Medal of Merit of the National People's Army created?

Medal of Merit of the National People's Army was created in 1956.

When did Medal of Merit of the National People's Army end?

Medal of Merit of the National People's Army ended in 1990.

How many people that survived the Holocaust got a medal?

There was no medal for surviving the Holocaust.

What time was the first medal of honor given?

The Medal of Honor was created in 1862 during the American Civil War. It was the first medal the US Military created.