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because there were bodies of water, where people could eaisly get water to water crops, which were needed to eat.

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Because of the rivers that surround the area, the tigris and the euphrates. Water is a most for people.

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Q: Why did people choose Mesopotamia to create their permanent settlements?
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How did farming allow people to create permanent settlements?

Farming allowed people to create permanent settlements by providing a consistent and stable food supply. With the ability to cultivate crops and raise animals, communities no longer needed to be nomadic in search of food sources. This led to the establishment of settlements where people could live permanently, allowing for the development of more complex societies and civilizations.

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No, Sargon I was the first to have a permanent standing army. He conquered all of Sumer and northern Mesopotamia.

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The Inca, Aztec, and Maya were able to create permanent settlements due to their advanced agricultural practices, such as terraced farming and irrigation systems, that enabled them to support large populations. Additionally, their knowledge of architecture allowed them to construct durable buildings and infrastructure that could withstand the test of time. The availability of important resources like water, fertile land, and strategic locations also contributed to the establishment of these permanent settlements.

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Jacques Cartier did not establish any permanent settlements or cities. He was a French explorer who made several voyages to what is now Canada in the early 16th century, but his main goal was to find a passage to Asia, not to establish settlements.

What made it possible for the Olmec and the Maya to create permanent settlements?

The Olmec and Maya were able to create permanent settlements due to several factors. These include their mastery of agriculture and the cultivation of crops such as maize, which allowed for a stable food supply. Additionally, their understanding of architecture and engineering enabled them to construct durable buildings and infrastructure. Lastly, their development of social and political systems facilitated organization and governance to sustain these settlements over time.

How did permanent settlements help Paleolithic people?

Permanent settlements allowed Paleolithic people to establish more stable sources of food, build more complex social structures, develop specialized skills, and create cultural traditions. They also provided a safer environment for raising children and storing surplus resources for times of need.

Who was the fist to create the laws of mesopotamia?

Hammurabi's code.

Did the Assyrians create the first peace treaty in Mesopotamia and the Near East?

The Sumerians created the first peace treaty in Ancient Mesopotamia.

How does weathering erosion and deposition affect where people live?

Weathering, erosion, and deposition can create geographical features like mountains, valleys, and coastlines that influence where people choose to live. For example, areas with rich soil deposits from erosion may be ideal for agriculture and settlement, while areas prone to erosion or landslides may be less desirable for permanent habitation. Additionally, deposition of sediments can create fertile plains and beaches that attract human settlements.

Why did mespotomia create irrigation system?

The Mesopotamia vreated irrigation systems because with irrigation people of mesopotamia were able to grow more food.

Who is the first person to create a sailboat?

The Sumerians from Mesopotamia invented the wheel. :D