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because of economic treatys other countries were forced to after Germany used the assasination of archduke ferdinad as a reson to go to war.

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Q: Why did other countries go to war in World War 1?
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What was World war?

World War is a war that involves all/or most of the countries fighting in alliances against each other.

What made the world war to happen?

The Countries In The World Tried To Conquer The Other Countries And They Started A War Called The World War. But In This Age The United Nations Came And Stopped The World Wares

What war was it when the nazi invade other countries?

You mean World War II. -Anthonymm

What is a world war?

A world war is a war who is included every countries

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There was no "revolution" . The war was defiance and retaliation for Germany's attacks on other countries.

Who declared war in World War I?

Germany was the first country to declare war on Serbia in World War 1. The other countries were pulled into the war because the had alliances with either Serbia or Germany.

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World War.

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During World War II the primary enemies of the Allies (of which we were a part) were Japan and Germany. There were also other minor Axis countries which were part of the war.

Was World War 1 a just war?

For Austria-Hungary, it was there Archduke was assassinated, but all other countries just wanted war.

Which country is not in Call of Duty world at war?

The only countries featured in World at War are America, Japan, Germany, and the Soviet Union. All other countries are not in the game.

What is world war?

When countries all over the world are in a war.