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We did not support escalation in Vietnam except for a small amount who were afraid of communism. The war escalated after the Tet Offensive primarily, which was actually an action of the Vietnamese.

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They knew the draft would increase to fulfill that new commitment.

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Q: Why did most Americans react to president Johnson's decision to commit troops to the war in Vietnam?
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The Vietnam war ended in 1975, Gerald Ford was president.

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As a result of President Johnson's decision to increase US involvement in Vietnam, the war became more destructive, more people died on both sides, and the war became the most polarizing issue in American politics in the 1960's. This also set the stage for even greater involvement under President Nixon, and eventually, the long-delayed fall of Saigon, and the failure of the the American attempt to defeat the invasion by the north.

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His commitment to containing communism

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When President Nixon took office in 1969.

When was the decision made to end the Vietnam War?

In 1969, when President Nixon took office.

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