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Q: Why did members of the continental congress draft the olive branch petition and what did they ask the king to do?
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What organization was formed a continental army and sent the olive branch petition to the king?

The second continental Congress.

Who did the members of the First Continental Congress send their requests to?

according to my social studies book...... it says that they sent the olive branch petition.

Did the second continental congress endorse the olive branch petition?

at least youit

Who wrote the olive branch?

No, it was drafted by Thomas Jefferson and improved, or made less harsh, by John Dickinson.

Which organization formed a continental army and sent the olive branch petition to the king?

second continental congress

What petition did the second continental congress send in 1775?

The Olive Branch Petition, also known as the Second Petition to the king or the Humble Petition.

What leader refused to accept the Olive Branch Petition?

King George III refused to accept the Olive Branch Petition from the Continental Congress.

How did the second continental congress pursue peaceful settlement with Britain?

The Olive Branch Petition

The Olive Branch Petition was the last plea of the Continental Congress to the King?

That's correct

When was the olive branch petition?

The olive branch petition was a document that the 2nd continental congress sent to king george the third to

Which came first - the Second Continental Congress being formed or the Olive Branch petition sent to King George?

The colonists sent the olive Branch Petition in advance prior to Bunker Hill. Then the battle of Bunker Hill happened; reslulting King George III to unanimously reject the Olive Branch Petition.

How did the Second Continental Congress influence the conflict between Britain and the colonists?

The Second Continental Congress sent the king a petition called the olive branch. The olive branch was basicly begging the king for freedom orLiberty.