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He wanted to prove that Christopher Columbous's thery was correct.

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Q: Why did megellan circumnavigate the globe?
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Ferdinand Magellan's expedition to circumnavigate the globe began on September 20, 1519.

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How could you use circumnavigate in a sentence?

Ferdinand Magellan did not survive his attempt to circumnavigate the globe.

What does it mean to circumnavigate the world?

to circumnavigate the globe means to go all the way around it.

Who was the first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe?

Sir Francis Drake was the first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe.

Why was it such a achievement for someone to circumnavigate the globe?


What does the expression circle the globe mean?

to circumnavigate

What was the originol megellens purpose of journey?

To circumnavigate the globe

First voyage to circumnavigate the globe?

Ferdinand Magellan

An example of circumnavigate in a sentence?

When one sets out to sail around the world, it is said that the person intends to circumnavigate the globe.

Who was the first explorer to circumnavigate the globe was?

Ferdinand Magellan led the first successful expedition to circumnavigate the globe, but he died before he finished the voyage. His crew made it back however. he was the first leader to circumnavigate however, it was not sure if he really the one who succesfully traveled all around the globe because he has a company who already traveled the world before him. He was said to be the first to circumnavigate the earth

Who was the first explorer who circumnavigate the globe?

Ferdinand Magellan led the first successful expedition to circumnavigate the globe, but he died before he finished the voyage. His crew made it back however. he was the first leader to circumnavigate however, it was not sure if he really the one who succesfully traveled all around the globe because he has a company who already traveled the world before him. He was said to be the first to circumnavigate the earth