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Q: Why did many slaves and freedmen ally themselves with the British cause during American revolution?
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Why did the British Colonies in America declare themselves as an independent nation?

This issue of taxation without representation in the British Parliament was at the forefront of the cause of the American Revolution.

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Who lost the American Revolution?

The British.

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King George III is the British leader during The American Revolution.

Who sent British Troops during the American Revolution?

King George the 3rd was king, and he sent his British troops out to war in the American Revolution.

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What role did native Americans play in the revolution war?

it's a multiple choise. A. They allied themselves with the British, who had tried to protect them against American encroachment. B. They allied themselves with the Americans, since the British had failed to protect them from American encroachment. C. Most tribes officially maintained neutrality but secretly aided one side or the other. D. They divided in allegiance, just as many white Americans did.

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What was the most important difference between a democratic republic and the British government at the time of the American Revolution?

The most important difference between a democratic republic and the British government at the time of the American Revolution was the citizens' rights to self rule and vote on how they would be ruled.

What were the British called during the Revolution?

Americans called the British "Red Coats" or "Regulars" during the American Revolution.

Why did British soldiers fight in the American Revolution?

The British fought in the American Revolution because the wanted to control the land.They wanted to control the land because it was theirs.

Is patriots - Americans?

If you were a Patriot in the American Revolution you were an American against the British.