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Jefferson who favored a strict interpretation of the Constitution was concerned that he did not have the authority to add new territory to the US. Also there was the problem of finding the money. The US did not have the $15 million available so it had to be borrowed from European bankers, creating foreign entanglements.

Some people no doubt objected that the land was not needed, that the price was too hign and that the US could get the land for free just by taking it later if they wanted it.

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13y ago
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13y ago

They favored close relations with Britain over closer ties to Napoleon and believed that the purchase was unconstitutional.

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9y ago

Many Federalists were afraid that new states in the Louisiana Territory might become Republican.

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12y ago

It went against the constitution. The president didn't have the power to buy land for the country.

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7y ago

The constitution doesn't have anything about the purchase of land. Strict federalist or constitutionalist don't want anything that isn't in the constitution.

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13y ago

well french needed money for weapons

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Q: Why did many federalists oppose the Louisiana purchase?
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