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Q: Why did malcom and the Black Muslims disagree with Martin Luther King?
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malcom x

What Black man gave his life for freedom?

Martin Luther King jr., Malcom X

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Malcom X and Dr. Martin Luther King

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malcom X, Martin Luther King Jr.

What black leader was assassinated five years before Martin Luther King Jr?

That Will Be Malcom X.

What bad did Malcolm X do?

Malcom x, unlike Martin Luther king jr., believed that self-defense, in response to racism, was an intelligent way of handling things. Martin Luther King says that violence, in response to racism, is both immoral and immpractical and only causes distruction to both parties. This is why MLK and Malcolm X disagree. Though they respect each other dearly, they both disagree on the subjct of using violence. Some people disagree with Malcolm x and say that non-violent protest is impractical. Malcolm X= Violent protest is intelligent. Martin Luther King Jr.= Any form of violence is wrong.

What is the difference between Martin Luther King jr and maclom x?

Nobel Prize for peace winner (Martin Luther King Jr.) and "Buy any means necessary" (Malcom X). Their tactics were different.

What three famous people were assassinated in the 1960s?

JFK, Martin Luther King, Jr. , Malcom X, Robert F. Kennedy

Who were some people who died in the 60's?

Medgar Evers. Robert and John Kennedy, Martin Luther king. Malcom x.

Who helped the civil rights act?

martin luther king, rosa parks, andrew goodman, malcom x and many others