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to prove that trained British troops were superior to untrained colonial troops

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Q: Why did lord William howe send his soldiers straight into enemy fire at the battle?
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Battles were hard and tough with no way to see the enemy approaching. Soldiers didn't have boats to sail on or helicopters to fly in for battle. All they had were their weapons made of bronze. Some weapons would be a bronze sword, bronze halberd, bronze hook, bronze arrowhead's, bronze crossbow trigger, and a bronze battle axe. Many soldiers didn't make it out alive, but in the end the enemy had fallen, and the Terra-Cotta soldier's had won the fierce battle and gained back their territory.

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To kill the enemy.

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because i want to have babies with you

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The job of William, Duke of Normandy during the Battle of Hastings was to lead the men to victory by out maneuvering the enemy. This was accomplished by having men with bow and arrow on foot, knights on horses, and other men on foot with clubs.

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