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During the Industrial Revolution, some business owners were taking advantage of workers, with low wages, long hours and unsafe working conditions. When a worker approached anyone about these conditions, they were fired or told to take it or leave it, leaving them with no choice but to work through the harsh environment in order to make a living for themselves or their families.

Labor Unions were developed to give the workers a voice in the work place. It set up specific laws and rules that the business owners had to abide by or face penalties. It gave workers a way to speak out about unfairness, unsafe environments, and gave them rights such as time off, sick pay and retirement plans. During the industrial revolution, however, unions did not play much of a role, later as the 19th century progressed labor unions emerged as important organizations for workers. Sick pay, as one example was a 20th century benefit.

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9y ago
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12y ago

Because at this time also the formation of dispossed groups of people from the common land and their tools of work happened in Europe. They formed the new working class only possesing their labor power sold and bought in the labor market. The formation of factory systems with these proletarians and their brute explotation are the bases for the formation of unions.

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12y ago

the unions develop due to the national hate and sex helping the govement get all UK money :(

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14y ago

Unions were formed during the industrial revolution for the rights of workers and of the rights of children (as child labour was apart of the industrial revolution)

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to protect an dpromote workers' rights <nova net> WWFIRE

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During the American Industrial Revolution Grover Cleveland began building labor unions that would create fair and safe working conditions for American workers. He also declared the first Labor Day to honor workers throughout the country.

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Which characteristic of the industrial revolution contributed to the rise of labor unions?

The working conditions found in many factories.

A reason that labor unions were organized?

The industrial revolution brought about factories , textile mills and other types of manufacturing. Working conditions in the early days of the industrial revolution were unhealthy, dangerous and workers were paid low wages. Labor unions were formed to create a safe and better paid situation for the workers.

How was labor different after the revolution than it was before?

Before the Industrial Revolution, labor was more generalized. After the Industrial Revolution, labor was specialized.

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They were not illegal. Unionisation was not allowed in some areas of industry and business, the armed forces for instance.