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Because he felt like it

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Because sex

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Q: Why did jefferson want to keep the national government small?
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What is Thomas Jefferson Philosophy?

thomas jefferson philosophy was minly about jefferson wanting a small national goverment.he was democratic republican. he wanted . he wanted to keep the u.s.a. independed farmer. didn't want to abuse of his powers.

What did Albert Gallatin convince Jefferson to keep?

The National Bank

Why should there be a revolution in government every 20 years?

"Just to keep the government honest" -Thomas Jefferson

How do republicans feel about government?

keep it small

What are the negative impacts of the Devolution revolution?

The national government didn't want the federal government to keep telling them what to do.

What term declares that the states shall keep all powers not granted to the national government?

"Limited Government" or a government of "Limited Powers"

Why would Jefferson's agrarian republic be threaten?

Jefferson's agrarian republic was threatened because federalists wanted to remain in control of the government. The fact that Jefferson wanted to keep slavery was also a reason the agrarian republic was threatened.

What did the government keep from us about Vietnam?

National security matters are authorized to be classified.

What is the Mission of Republican Party?

to keep things in a conservative manner and to keep government as small as possible.

The government needed a national bank in 1832?

To keep it's financed value in order.

What is the plan for national government where states would keep their freedom and independence?

articles of confederation

Why did Jefferson want a smaller government?
