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Q: Why did it upset the peasants when they had to do two days unpaid labour work for the lord.?
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What source of labor were rich landowners using that caused farmers to lose jobs in ancient rome?

The rich landowners hired slave labour. With this abundant supply of labour they could expand their landed estates at the expense of the peasant farmers who cultivated small plots of land to feed their families. It is not that these farmers lost their jobs. They were independent farmers. They lost their land and became became landless. In those days most people were peasants. The landless people flocked to Rome to eke out a living there, swelling the masses of the poor.

Why was life so dangerous and difficult for the peasants in the middle ages?

disease's, plagues they didnt have the tools we have now and days there was lots of war

How much work did the medieval peasants do?

they worked 12 to 14 hours a day, at least 6 days a week. Many had work to do every day of the week.

How did the advantages gained by some early farmers affect romes development?

In the Early Republic the patrician aristocracy were large landowners. Peasant farmers, instead, were given allotments which were barely enough to feed their families. In the early days these rich landowners secured the labour of peasants through debt bondage/slavery (nexus). The poor were locked into perpetual indebtedness at unaffordable levels so that debt was repaid through labour services. This was a system which lent itself to the abuse. The poor plebeians (commoners) rebelled because the Roman state, which at that time was patrician-controlled, refused to meet their demand for protection from defaulting creditors who imprisoned them, tortured them and sometimes sold them as slaves. They formed the plebeian movement which fought for the grievances of the poor which also included high interest rates and shortage of land for the poor. These problems were relieved when Rome expanded into central and southern Italy and colonies (settlements) where people could go to set up farms were created around Italy. During the Middle and Late Roman Republic there was mass impoverishment. Loss of land by peasants was a big problem from the Second Punic War (218-201 BC) on. Many small farms were ravaged by Hannibal's forces during his invasion of Italy and many more were neglected due to the peasants' prolonged military service during that war. The owners of large landed estates took advantage of this to buy land on the cheap from distressed peasants. They were also advantaged by the abundant supply of slave labour created by the war (slaves were war captives). The majority of slaves were bought by rich landlords and were employed in the fields of the large estates. This abundant supply of labour facilitated the productive expansion of the estates. This trend continued and Rome was flooded by dispossessed peasants who migrated there to eke out a living, swelling the masses of the poor. The issue of poverty became a political hot potato and was a factor behind the series of civil wars which led to the fall of the Roman Republic and its replacement by absolute rule by emperors.

What were some of the problems Romes common people faced and how did they respond to them?

Most of Rome's common people faced poverty and harsh working conditions. Most were farmers who tilled the land. In the early days, the tool used by the rich landowners to tie the labour of poor peasants to their estates was debt bondage/slavery. The latter worked for the former because he was locked into continually having to make repayments. Abuse of defaulting debtors by creditors who imprisoned them tortured them and sometimes sold them as slaves was a major grievance of the poor. When Rome expanded into Italy, the supply of slaves increased and slavery replaced debt bondage as the main source of labour. Another problem in early Rome was the fact that poor peasants had plots of land which were too small to make a decent living because the rich landowners appropriated most of the land. This problem was relieved by the expansion of Rome into Italy as settlements where peasants were given plots of land were created around Italy. The problems reemerged as peasants lost their land due to war during Hannibal's invasion of Italy. They migrated to Rome and swelled the mass of urban unemployed. The poor plebeians (commoners) created the plebeian movement which fought for reforms through direct action. Their main demands were protection for debt defaulters, reduction of loan interest rates and land redistribution. Rich plebeians were the leaders of the movement and used this to demand power sharing with the patrician aristocracy and were successful. Once they obtained this, they turned their backs on the poor.

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They did farming if they lived in a village By definition Peasants work the land. They are agricultural labourers.Answer :In addition to agricultural work peasants were used for any unskilled manual labour. This would include the digging of ditches, building of roads, cutting wood and, in time of war, acting as shock troops.

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This would be when you are taking an unpaid day off of work. They're mandatory days off that you do not get paid for. For instance, they cut your pay 10% overall which results in ~2 days off per month unpaid.

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Who caused the peasants revolt?

The Peasants' Revolt took place in England in 1381. They were upset when the nobles instituted another poll tax for them to pay. The peasants were also forced to work for free on church land, sometimes two days a week. This didn't leave them enough time to work their own land and their families often went hungry as a result.

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Nope. You use up your CAR days and then its unpaid.

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You get up to 3 days paid leave provided you are already scheduled to work. Otherwise it is unpaid. signed, mgr 4yrs+

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yes in fact they do after like 60 or 90 days depending on what county you are in.

What medical knowledge did the peasants have?

the peasants of the medieval days also known as hobos these days. for facial treatments they would occasionally us the runny liquid also known as urine the would say that it soothed and it was also added to chicken in those days if you did not eat chicken u where known as a homosexual also known as a gay (god bless america)