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The League of Nations was a failure in Abyssinia for 4 main reasons.

The first was due to the declaration of the Hoare-Laval Pact, between Britain and France. The pact stated that a deal would be struck with the Italian leader, Benito Mussolini, to have power over 2/3 of Abyssinia, without the knowledge of the rest of the world. However, once the deal was leaked, the British and French public instantly took a stand, disagreeing with the idea of the deal, lowering the League's support and diminishing the League's moral authority. This discredited the League in that they could not stand up in such a clear cut case of aggression and do what it was created to do, impose collective security for all. Therefore, The League had no power.

Another reason as to why the League failed in Abyssinia between 1935-1936, was because Britain and France appeared selfish. Both countries had the vital opportunity to close the well-known Suez Canal, yet failed to. The reason for this was because the League wished to keep Mussolini and Italy as an ally against Adolf Hitler. They were not willing to intervene over a small country and jeopardize the peace of Europe. Unlucky for the League, Benito Mussolini joined evil forces with the Nazi Germany leader, and due to the large colonies already in Africa, gave Nazi Germany a strategic advantage in WW2.

The third reason as to why the League failed was because of the lack of support from France and Britain in imposing a trade embargo on Italy. The reason for the lack of support, was because the trade ban did not include fuels, such as petrol and oil. If there was no ban on petrol and oil, Italy could still continue their localised war against Abyssinia.

The fourth and final reason as to why the League of Nations was a failure in Abyssinia was because Britain and France, the two most involved countries of the League, had too much self-interest and neither could afford to use army force at this time (they were too busy recovering from WW1). They knew if war did break out, Italy would be a strong force to have on their side, and a strong nation to be kept in the League. The two countries were too worried about their own population in their own countries rather than a small African country with little promise.

Also, the League having no army of its own was definitely another catastrophic failure of the League. The fact that the USA was not a member and none of the top countries in Europe were prepared to submit troops to fight, especially after the horrors of WW1, meant it could not fight, and therefore, could not use military sanctions.

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What did Japan want to do in the 1930s?

Japan invaded Manchuria. They did this because Manchuria was poorly defended and had many resources. It had living space for their surplus population and Manchuria had enough raw materials, food and other goods that would make Japan self-sufficient.

What made Manchuria attractive to the Japanese?

Manchuria was a logical target for Japanese expansion because Japan was running the South Manchurian railway at the time of the incident. It was also within close range, and would make it easier for the Japanese to get their resources onto the mainland. Another good reason is that China at the time was in a state of civil war, so after bombing the South Manchurian railway, they could easily make it look like communist China's fault and go in looking like they were helping the Chinese.

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AL is an abbreviation for American League, one of two leagues that make up Major League Baseball. The othe is NL, National League.

How did the Great Depression make the work of the league of nations more difficult after 1920?

First of all, because of the great depression, countries like Japan and Italy wanted to expand their empires so as to get hold of new economies, so Japan invaded Manchuria in china which is a rich region, thus it would improve the falling economy. But the League of Nations was not able to impose economic sanctions over Japan, because 1. The USA, Japan's main trading partner would keep trading with Japan. 2. Non of the members of the League wanted to stop trading because it would worsen the bad economy.This was also the case in the Abyssinian Crisis, Which have lead to the serious underestimation of the League, thus the League lost it's authority which eventually lead to it's downfall in 1940 and the second World War.

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