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"Tyrian Purple," the purple dye of the ancients mentioned in texts dating back to about 1600 B.C., was produced from the mucus of the hypobranchial gland of various species of marine mollusks, notably Murex. It took some 12,000 shellfish to extract 1.5 grams of the pure dye. (copied from

Because of the rarity of the mollusks, and large quantities needed, purple dye was VERY expensive, and only upper nobility could even afford it. At different times during history certain rulers have decreed that only the ruler of the country could wear purple. As if anyone else could have afforded it.

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13y ago
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13y ago

The Romans used a dye called Tyrian purple to make the imperial color.

The Romans used a dye called Tyrian purple to make the imperial color.

The Romans used a dye called Tyrian purple to make the imperial color.

The Romans used a dye called Tyrian purple to make the imperial color.

The Romans used a dye called Tyrian purple to make the imperial color.

The Romans used a dye called Tyrian purple to make the imperial color.

The Romans used a dye called Tyrian purple to make the imperial color.

The Romans used a dye called Tyrian purple to make the imperial color.

The Romans used a dye called Tyrian purple to make the imperial color.

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12y ago

The color purple was a difficult dye to make. It required a great deal of work to collect the small bits of mucus from certain shell fish to create the dye, which was very long lasting. It was worth its weight in silver. Its use was restricted to certain nobles.

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13y ago

The Romans used a dye called Tyrian purple to make the imperial color.

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Continue Learning about General History

What type of clothing did the poor Romans wear?

Rich Romans wore a toga to outdoor events. They also had other stuff to wear.

Why did Hitler think it was important to destroy the brown shirts?

hitle wanted to distroy the brown shirts because he thought they should wear purple shirts

Why do the Tuareg Indian tribes wear blue?

the tuareg wear blue and purple to

What did very early Romans wear?


What did the ancient Olympic Games judges wear?

The judges will wear a royal purple robe.

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It was Royal colour

Can a men wear purple supra?

For me, Yes! Because it is not important to what color is, the important is the style and how you where it.

Does justin bieber like to wear purple?

Yes Justin Bieber likes to wear purple. Justin likes to wear purple because that's because purple is his favorite color

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Romans liked to wear colorful masks

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Yes, you can wear the black sports coat with the purple shirt.

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Well it depends on which team it is. If the team's colors are purple and yellow they wear that if they aren't purple most likely they wont wear purple....understand?

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no,kings wear golden

What does the color purple mean for crips?

Not all Crips wear purple, the only Crip set to wear the color purple are the Grape Street Watts Crips. The Grape Street Watts Crips wear the color purple because their street name is Grape Street & grapes are purple so therefore they wear purple and the traiditional color blue to show Crip affiliation.

What do Romans usualy wear?

Romans wear the same clothing as we do.Romans wear the same clothing as we do.Romans wear the same clothing as we do.Romans wear the same clothing as we do.Romans wear the same clothing as we do.Romans wear the same clothing as we do.Romans wear the same clothing as we do.Romans wear the same clothing as we do.Romans wear the same clothing as we do.