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"Ride the rails" derived from "Ride the rods" referring to the brake rods under box cars of this ERA.

So during the great depression of the 1930s people lost their jobs.

Due to Government inaction the situation was so bad that many North Americans were starving and homeless.

To try and find work or even just food these people began traveling and the only available way to cover large distances at this time was rail. (if you had a little money or owned a car you could run these until they broke down)

So people would jump onto slow moving freights trains and ride underneath on the cars on the brake rods.

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They were looking for work.

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Q: Why did hobos ride the rails during the Depression?
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What was riding the rails?

riding the rails was a common term in the great depression. You hop on a train and ride the rails.

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What did it mean to Ride the Rails during the great depression?

When you saw a moving freight train. and one of the box car doors was left open, you would run along side and jump on.Hoping that no one saw you because if you got caught you may not wake up.if you get my drift.

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