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they crashed the plane into the wtc because they knew it was a heavy populated target in the biggest city in the United States. They knew if they hit this city it would show their message. Now its 2009, and I can honestly say that they have awaken a sleeping giant and that payback is a BITCH!

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

The Twin Towers of New York's World Trade Center were targeted as part of a terrorist campaign against the United States by Islamic fundamentalists opposed to the US actions in the Middle East. The attack was funded in part by the Al Qaeda movement led by Osama bin Laden (also Usama), a Saudi expatriate who became active in guerrilla and terrorist movements.

The attacks on the Pentagon, NYC, and Pennsylvania took place on September 11, 2001. At 8:46 a.m., American Airlines Flight 11 was crashed into the World Trade Center's North Tower, followed by United Airlines Flight 175, which hit the South Tower at 9:03 a.m.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

I think it's because the terrorists hate that we have more freedom than they do, but here are some other opinions.

I didnt write these, other people did.

What Caused the September 11 Attacks?
  • There are a lot of unanswered questions in the official 9/11 report from the government. It may be a hundred years before the truth is told, if ever ...
  • A brief answer is that the United States has garnered a lot of hostility because of its support for the establishment and continuation of Israel, a Jewish state. This support has angered many Islamic nations in that geographic region, leading to many radical Islamic fundamentalists calling on the United States to withdraw from the region altogether and to stop supporting Israel. Obviously, the strategic interests for energy are too important for the United States to do this, and so the people -- Islamic fundamentalists believing they have a religious duty to fight the United States' infidels -- call on followers of radical Islamic faith to make war on US citizens and the US government.
  • The high-jackers were mostly citizens of Saudi Arabia and they were thought to be members of Al Queda, led by Osama Bin Laden. A group of terrorists took control of two commercial airliners and purposely crashed them into the "twin towers" of the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. Another group of terrorists took control of another commercial airliner, reportedly headed for the White House in Washington, D.C., which crashed in a field in Pennsylvania after the terrorists were overtaken by a group of passengers. Another group of terrorists took control of yet another airliner and purposely crashed it into the Pentagon.
  • It is generally believed that the Koran's teachings engender in some Muslim fundamentalists a hate for westerners which caused them to commit these hostile, mass-murdering terrorist acts. The terrorists believed that giving their lives in order to kill many of their western 'infidel enemies' in the United States was a "holy" act given to them by their god. They felt it was what they were 'destined to do' for their god, and that's why they did it.
  • Muslim fanatics attacked the US because of their belief that predominantly Christian nations such as the US have deprived the Islamic world of the leading role, and the power and prestige that it rightfully deserves. Christianity and Islam have been in conflict since the Crusades (beginning in the year 1000) and US support for the nation of Israel since 1948 has greatly inflamed Muslim resentment toward the US. To the September 11th terrorists, that attack was merely the latest battle in a long running war between faiths.
  • Also, be aware that there are many people who simply hate the United States because they have a distorted view of our country. Instead of seeing the United States as the "melting pot" country that it is; that it is a "free" country; that it allows its people to believe, speak, and worship as they wish. They prefer to believe that because Americans do not believe, speak, and worship as they do, that everyone here is full of sin, going against "their" God in so many ways (religion, technology, etc.); not living our lives in their simple and prudent ways; not using only what is necessary, but rather using more than our share.
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βˆ™ 12y ago

because they hated Americans and wanted to kill them and there are alot of people in both towers

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βˆ™ 13y ago

This was a suicide terrorist attack and the intent was to do as much damage as possible to the trade center, which they considered to be a symbol of American decadence.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

because they thelt like it

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Q: Why did hijackers hijack the plane and crashed it into the twin towers?
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How many hijackers were in the two planes that crashed into the twin towers?

at least 19 hijackers were in the plane that crashed the twin towers

How many planes crashed in new york on september 11?

Two planes crashed into the Twin Towers in New York on 9-11. Additionally a third plane was crashed into the Pentagon near Washington D.C. and a fourth crashed in a forest in Pennsylvania after the passengers fought the hijackers.

How many planes crashed into the twin towers in 9-11?

There were four. Two were flown into the World Trade Center towers, one into the Pentagon, and one crashed into a Pennsylvanian field when a number of the passengers bravely overcame the hijackers and prevented the plane also crashing into another target, probably the White House, and causing a much greater loss of life.

What state did 9 11 happen in?

The attack on the twin towers was in New York. The attack on the Pentagon was in Virginia, and Flight 93, which was the plane where the passengers fought the hijackers and tried to take back control of the plane, crashed in Pennsylvania.

Who crashed the plane in the twin towers?

Osama bin laden commanded 19 terrorist to hijack 4 US commercial planes and 10 terrorist Muslims 5 terrorist in each planes crash the planes into twin towers

How many kids were on the plane that crashed in to the twin towers?

There were no children on the plane only adults.

When the plane crashed to the twin towers who died?

the people in the towers and the people hired to steer the planes.

How many planes crashed in the twin tower?

There are two towers called the twin towers, on September 11 one plane crashed into each tower.

When the first plane crashed to the twin towers what do the people think?

the people thought that it was a bomb or a missle, but when the second plane crashed, they knew it was terrorists

What time did the first plane crash into the twin towers?

The first plane crashed into the North tower at 8:46 am. The plane crashed between the 93rd and 99th floors.

What is the first plane that crashed in the twin towers?

American Airlines Flight 11.

How long does it take to fly to Fjij from Australia?

Depends if the Muslims Hijack your plane and crash it into the twin towers again!