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Pietermaritzburg The Beginning of Gandhi's OdysseyGandhi had arrived in Durban, South Africa, in 1893 to serve as legal counsel to the merchant Dada Abdulla. In June, he was asked by Dada Abdulla to undertake a trip to Pretoria in the Transvaal, a journey which first took Gandhi to Pietermaritzburg. There, Gandhi was seated in the first-class compartment, since he had purchased a first-class ticket. A European who entered the compartment hastened to summon railway officials, who ordered Gandhi to remove himself to the van compartment, since 'coolies' and non-whites were apparently not permitted in first-class compartments. Gandhi protested and produced his ticket, but was warned that he would be forcibly removed if he did not make a gracious exit. As Gandhi refused to comply with the order, he was summarily pushed out of the train, and his luggage was tossed out on to the platform. The train steamed away, and Gandhi withdrew to the waiting room. "It was winter," Gandhi was to write in his autobiography, and "the cold was extremely bitter. My over-coat was in my luggage, but I did not dare to ask for it lest I should be insulted again, so I sat and shivered" (Part II, Ch. 8). He says he began to think of his "duty": ought he to stay back and fight for his "rights", or should he return to India? His own "hardship was superficial", "only a symptom of the deep disease of colour prejudice." Source:

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Because he did not have a valid ticket.

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Q: Why did gandhi get thrown out of a train in south Africa?
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One example of racism against coloreds in south Africa experienced by Gandhi?

Gandhi first experienced racism when he was traveling by train, and was asked to move from first class to third. He refused to do so and was thrown off of the train.

What was Gandhi's profession and where did train?

He was a troublemaker, and he learnt in South Africa

Why did Gandhi get thrown off a train in south Africa?

Mr Mohan Das karamchand gandhi was not allowed to ride in the first class on the train due to apartheid that was on hipe at that time in South Africa.ONLY WHITE PEOPLE WERE ALLOWED TO SIT IN THE FIRST CLASS,NOT A SINGLE BLACK CASTE WAS ALLOWED TO TAKE A RIDE IN THE FIRST CLASS OF A TRAIN THERE.

Can you have the complete story on why Gandhi was thrown out of a train?

Gandhi was thrown out of a train because a white man needed a first class carriage. Gandhi had brought a first class ticket but as he was black, he was thrown of the train for refusing to move.

When Mahatma Gandhi went to Africa what was the racism?

Gandhi use to travel first class when he was a lawyer. That soon changed when an Englishman objected to him sitting in the First Class Section even though Gandhi had a ticket. He got kicked off the train. Indians in South Africa were treated poorly. Indian marriages were not recognised, so therefore their wives were 'mistresses'.

When did Gandhi first experience discrimination?

Gandhi first experienced discrimination in South Africa in the late 19th century when he faced racial prejudice and segregation based on his Indian heritage. This experience motivated him to fight against discrimination and injustice throughout his life.

Why did the train incident change Gandhi's life?

When Mahatma Gandhi was travelling in train in south africa,then British pushed him out out because he was travelling in the class used by british to trvell and another reason was he was a black person.

What personal events in South Africa made Gandhi aware of racial injustice?

Mahatma Gandhi was a practicing attorney at South Africa. Despite the high social recognition attached to the profession, dark-skinned people were still meted out inferior reception. Once Mahatma Gandhi was thrown out of first class compartment of a train only for his skin colour. This proved to be one of the turning points in his life that led him to become a pivotal force in India's freedom struggle.

What happened to Gandhi in South Africa during the train journey?

Mohandas Gandhi was kicked off of the train in South Africa on June 7 1893 because the train people were racist and said he had to go back to the 3rd class train because he was in 1st class and he was Indian.

Provide two examples of racism against people of color in south Africa experienced by Gandhi?

he was thrown off a train after refusing to move to third class. even though he had a first class ticket he was "colored" so he belonged in third class seating.

Why did Mohandas Gandhi go to South Africa?

Mahatma Gandhi was in South Africa to help fight discrimination. He was South Africa for twenty years though he was born in India. He is remembered as one of the most popular leaders in the world.

How did Gandhi influence Rosa Parks?

Rosa parks was forcibly removed from a bus after refusing to give up her seat to a white man. this incident is remarkably similar to when gandhi was literally thrown off a train for refusing to move back to third class when he had bought a first class ticket while living in south Africa. Indians were discriminated against in south Africa and gandhi began his political career there fighting the laws that made he discrimination possible. Gandhi's nonviolent philosophy influenced many leaders of the anti-racism movement in America.