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Q: Why did freedom summer happen in Mississippi?
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What was it called when students poured into Mississippi during the summer of 1964?

The freedom summer

When was Freedom Summer?

Freedom Summer was in 1964. It was a voter registration drive aimed at increasing the number of African Americans in Mississippi who were registered to vote.

How did freedom summer change America?

they let some slaves free during the summer thats why thats called freedom summer

What was the goal of freedom summer project?

Freedom Summer (also known as the Mississippi Summer Project) was a campaign in the United States launched in June 1964 to attempt to register as many, African American voters as possible in Mississippi which had historically excluded most blacks from voting. The project also set up dozens of Freedom Schools, Freedom Houses, and community centers in small towns throughout Mississippi to aid the local black population.

What is important about freedom summer?

Freedom Summer was a campaign in the United States launched during the summer of 1964 to attempt to register as many African American voters as possible in the southern states. Over 1,000 volunteers helped out. The program was aimed atMississippi, where the African American population exceeded 45%, and only 5% voted. It registered 1,600 more blacks. The program also established many summer schools in Mississippi to try and counteract the state's inequitably-funded school system.

What challenges were faced at Freedom Summer?

The Freedom Summer of 1964 was a period of overwhelming violence in Mississippi. Activists and local volunteers were arrested, beaten, and murdered. Local churches and businesses were vandalized, bombed, or burnt to the ground.

When was Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party created?

Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party was created in 1964.

Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party?

The Mississippi was Freedom Democratic party was for Fannie Lou Hammer

Why did sncc and core send hundreds of volunteers south during the freedom summer campaigns?

to help register hundreds of thousands of black voters in Mississippi

What happen to James Chaney Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner in the summer of 1964?

the 3 of them were killed by the ku klux klan in Mississippi

When three civil rights workers disappeared during freedom summer in 1964 what did the sncc claimed had happen?

The students were murdered.

When is school out for summer break in Mississippi?

Its in July! just kidding i don't know when summer break is Mississippi!