

Why did feudalism start?

Updated: 8/22/2023
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9y ago

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When Rome fell in 410 AD a gap was left in the structure of government and services. The barbarian tribes raided without care and killed where they wanted. There was no one to protect the people and it was pure chaos. Fedualism developed out this when strong men came with armies to beat back the barbarians and to take control. The armies were a little less brutal than the barbarians and were more like "wiseguys" or the mob in controlling whole areas. The people who lived through this were just glad to have protection and to be able to grow crops and take care of their animals without fear.

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13y ago

The feudal system started after the Dark Ages, which was after the Fall of the Roman Empire. The Dark Ages was a time when there was no Law and Order and Europe was thrown into complete chaos. The feudal system came from this. A leader called Charmelagne first introduced this system in the eighth century (700's) to France, because he wanted help to control large areas of land and people. William the Conqueror then introduced this system to England after the he won The Battle of Hastings (1066). Suddenly, all of Europe was under the Feudal System.

The Fuedal system can be best shown in a Hierarchy:

1: The King. Very powerful and had most money. But would not do anything without first delegating with Church in hope of stopping rebellions.

2: The Church. The Pope was the head of the Church and was almost as important as the king. People would go to war even if the Pope told them too. Gave advice to the King.

3: Nobility. Lords and Bishops provided the king with money and advice. Would provide knights for wars and so on.

4: Knights and Lesser Clergy (people in the church like monks & nuns.) Knights would fight in wars for the King. The monks and nuns would help people of the community.

5: Peasants. They worked for the knights land or lords land as well as their own to pay tax. Had no rights and barely had enough to live. Were not educated so did not know how to read.

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9y ago

It started because when Vikings where raiding towns and villages and the kings wanted protection.

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