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Q: Why did factory conditions improve?
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Why was the factory act 1802 introduced?

Factory Acts were a series of laws implemented by the British Parliament to improve factory conditions. Initially, the Acts were created to regulate the conditions of children who worked in the cotton mills. Eventually, acts were added that improved the working conditions of all who worked in the factories.

Why did people wanted to improve factory condittions in 1900?

Because the conditions in the factories were poor and unstandable for the workers

Working to improve the working conditions in a factory is an example of?

Social justice -APEX

How did a plentiful supply of labor worked against the factory worker?

If a worker complained, the factory could hire another worker. The owner had no incentive to improve working conditions.

How did factory work conditions change between 1800-1850?

Went On strike or formed unions to improve conditions like lack of pay, no or little breaks, and lack of safety.

Factory workers rallied to improve working conditions by forming what?

{| |- | They formed Unions. This gave them more bargaining power. The unions helped promote reasonable working conditions, reasonable pay and more respect for the workers. |}

What were working conditions for factory workers during the the Civil War?

Working conditions during the Civil War were harsh. People worked long hours and were paid very low wages. There were strikes during this time by workers to improve the working conditions.

How might factory conditions have prevented workers from taking steps to improve their lives?

how? well they made things out of hand and factory's did almost all the work and did it faster than the people there happy got your answer now bye

What in 1833 the Government began laws to improve the working lives of children these laws were known as?

The laws introduced in 1833 to improve the working lives of children were known as the Factory Acts. These acts aimed to regulate child labor and improve working conditions in factories.

Characteristic of factory labor?

Factory working conditions were not safe.

How were the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory and sweatshop conditions alike?

Since the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory was not a sweatshop the conditions were not alike.

What are sweatshop owner's aims?

to improve the factory