to find land that is rich with gold ,silver or bronze or to escape sickness. or for political reasons like the some reasons like the British came over to America to end the rule of the king that reined over them.
Which voyages gave Europeans new knowledge of the world?
God, Gold, and Glory
Zheng He
What factors led the Europeans to begin to begin their voyages of exploration?
Europeans went on voyages of exploration in the 15th and 16th centuries in search of new trade routes to Asia, new sources of wealth, and opportunities for spreading Christianity. These voyages were also driven by competition between European nations to expand their empires and influence around the world.
spices, Asian, religion, Asian culture.
It led to a scientific revolution that changed our understanding of the universe.
He made 3 voyages of exploration.
the grinders ova dere (Wiz voice) <--------------------------------------------------,--------------------------------->
Europeans main motives for voyages of exploration occurred during the Renaissance Era and included building of empires, diffusion of Christianity, ever-increasing opportunities fort trade and new markets, greater power than before, and material good and riches that included gold, spices, silver and slaves.
Which voyages gave Europeans new knowledge of the world?
The Europeans. =D
Barbie Explorer happened in 2001.