

Why did convicts steal?

Updated: 10/18/2022
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11y ago

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Mostly because there negros and are from Africa

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Q: Why did convicts steal?
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Which of these statements is trueOne of the convicts was shot.The escaped convicts were captured.Both of the convicts escaped from the sergeant and his soldiers.Only one of the convicts was captured?

The escaped convicts were captured.

How did Captain Cook's military treat the convicts?

Captain Cook had nothing to do with the convicts. He died nine years before the convicts arrived in New South Wales.

How many female convicts were in the First Fleet?

There were 180 female convicts on the First Fleet.

Who are the worst convicts?

Most convicts where the worst but theres not really one thats there the worst

How many times were the convicts washed onboard the first fleet?

The convicts did not wash regularly, as they had only a bucket of water daily for their needs, and this was shared between a group of convicts. Water was far too precious a commodity to be given to convicts for washing.

Related questions

Why were most convicts poor farmers?

Most convicts were just poor. Not nessesarily farmers. They were forced to steal from people were well off. They would steal mostly food or possesions that they could sell on.

What kind of people were categorised as convicts?

Bad people that use to steal things from other people and that use to kill

Why was living in tents a problem?

well if you are talking about the history times at Sydney cove then because the convicts could steal easily

What kind of people became convicts on the First Fleet?

The convicts on the First Fleet came from all walks of life. Most of them were ordinary people, made up of thieves, pick-pockets, forgers, petty criminals and the unemployed just struggling to survive and driven to steal food. No one new was added to the list of convicts once the First Fleet departed England.

What types of convicts are there?

There are many types of convicts but the main ones are government service convicts, assigned convicts, expirees, emancipists and ticket of leave convicts.

Which of these statements is trueOne of the convicts was shot.The escaped convicts were captured.Both of the convicts escaped from the sergeant and his soldiers.Only one of the convicts was captured?

The escaped convicts were captured.

Did the convicts shower?

No convicts didn't have showers!

What kind of crimes did convicts of the first fleet commit?

People on the First Fleet came from all walks of life. The convicts were made up of thieves, pick-pockets, forgers, petty criminals and ordinary people just struggling to survive and driven to steal food. Some were convicted of assault. Murderers were not transported on the First Fleet.

What political affiliation are convicts?

The same as a non-convicts.

Where does convicts lives?

convicts live in prison or jail

What type of people were on the First Fleet to Australia?

The First Fleet consisted of officers, marines (some of whom were accompanied by their wives and children) and several hundred convicts. The convicts were made up of thieves, pick-pockets, forgers, petty criminals and ordinary people just struggling to survive and driven to steal food. Murderers were not transported on the First Fleet.

Why did the convicts come from Wales?

Convicts come from every country.