

Why did cavemen hunt in groups?

Updated: 11/24/2022
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Q: Why did cavemen hunt in groups?
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Who was first to deer hunt?

probably cavemen.

Did cavemen hunt at night or day?

Daytime only as humans are ill-adapted to hunt at night.

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No, crows hadn't evolved in the time of Cavemen. But they may have hunted other kinds of birds such as prehistoric brees.

What kind of clothing did cavemen wore?

they wore the skins of the animals that they hunt

What did cavemen use to hunt with?

Cavemen used wood for fire to keep themselves and others warm. They also widdled the wood to make weapons.

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They weren't hunters, they were only gatherers. Fruits, root plants, and wild rice.

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no seahorses do not hunt alone. they hunt in groups

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No. Humans and dinosaurs never met. The dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago. The human race is only around 40,000 years old.

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they hunt in groups or "pods"

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they hunt in both ways they hunt together and alone.

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Gorillas are primarily herbivores and do not hunt for food. They forage for plants, fruits, and occasionally insects. They are not known to hunt in groups.

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well orcas hunt in groups or 'Pods'