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Because he needed them himself. Both his distant vision and his near vision were becoming weaker.

He invented bifocals because he was tired of swapping from his reading glasses to his "looking out the window" glasses. He wanted something that combined both of them. To create bifocals, he put half of the lens from his "looking out the window" glasses in the top half of the eyeglass frame, and then half of the lens from his reading glasses into the bottom half of the frames. The combined form became popular and helpful to many people. Of course, he later used shortened versions of these lenses that worked even better.

People who are both far-sighted and near-sighted only need one pair of glasses.

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8y ago
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13y ago

The problem was that he had to change from one pair of glasses to the other when he wanted to see near or far. To solve the problem, he invented what we now call bifocals--glasses that would help him do both.


When signing or reading important papers, Franklin was constantly changing his glasses to see the document.

First Attempts

Franklin attempted to combine two pairs of glasses on his face at once; however, these attempts were futile.


Franklin sketched out a preliminary design of a set of glasses that would allow him to see both distances with one pair of glasses. He sent the sketch to George Whatley in 1785 for an opinion.


Dr. Peter Dollond, a London optician, agreed to make Franklin's glasses; however, he was skeptical they would work.


The doctor cut n half the lenses of both of Franklin's glasses--near and far--and placed them in one frame, with the near lens on the bottom and the far on the top. The invention worked for Franklin and he was pleased thereafter.

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12y ago

Bifocal glasses can be used for reading and looking a items far away. There lens on the bottom is used for reading and the lens on top is used to look at things far away. If there was only one lens, it would be useful for reading Or looking at things far away. Bifocals are used to see items near And far away from the person looking at the item.

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12y ago

He took two different pairs of glasses with different strengths and cut each lenses in half. Then he pasted the the bottom of the stronger pair to the top of the less strong pair. And voila! You have bifocals!

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11y ago

he got tired of switching glasses of rea

ding and seeing far

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14y ago

two pairs of spectacular cut in half of each lens in a single frame today we call them bifocals they were invented in 1784

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13y ago

because when he wore glasses morning and night he didn't want glasses to see in the morning so then he cut his bifocal glasses in two peaces and made the first glasses in the world

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10y ago


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14y ago

he couldn't see

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Q: Why did benjamin franklin invent bifocal glasses?
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Benjamin Franklin is credited with inventing the bifocal lens in the 1780s. He designed the lens to help address his presbyopia, a condition that makes it difficult to focus on close objects as people age.

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How did Benjamin Franklin invent glasses?

It's not easy to tell you when Franklin invented glasses, because they were well documented in Europe prior to 1300, i.e. 500 years before Franklin was born. Ben Franklin did invent a number of other things, including bi-focals.