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They came to power because they got lucky?

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9y ago

the people of the crisis were desperate and needed a leader and a way out of the crisis so they provided the tools to keep them in power. The tools they gave them were a hammer so that Hitler can use it as a dildo for his own satisfaction as well as the German soldiers.

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13y ago

I'd say Hitler came to power because like you said it was a time of crisis and people are like sheep when things go bad they look to someone to restore order it just happened that Hitler was the one who answered they're plea

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12y ago

They came to power because they got lucky?

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Why did the movements of fascism and Nazism and leaders like Mussolini and Hitler come to power during the crisis in Europe?

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Q: Why did a movement like a fascism and leader like Hitler come to power during a period of crisis?
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Who were the fascist dictators of Germany and Italy during world war 2?

In Germany it was Hitler who was a Nazi, and in Italy it was Benito Mussolini, the inventor of Fascism.

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my great great great grandfather, Hitler.

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When did he rise to power?

When I don't know But Hitler did come to power when Germany was in economic crisis and Hitler took advantage promising a "better economy". The economic crisis in Germany was due to the unjust conditions which were placed on Germany for supposedly "Attacking" the world during World War I and because of it, Germans became bitter towards other nations and was one of the reasons why World War II resulted.

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Fascism, most prominent in Italy during WWII, amongst other countries. Or National Socialism (Nazism) adopted and promoted by Hitler in Germany at the time as well.

What form of governmet did Italy have during World War II?

seriously? fascism.

Causes of World War 2 and its major developments during 1919-1939?

World War II had three main causes; Adolph Hitler taking over Germany in 1933, the rise of Fascism in Italy in the 1920s, and Japan's invasions of China in the 1930s. During that time the Nazis rose to power.